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Several much-needed suggestions were made in the despatch on subjects of practical importance among others as to the remuneration of members of the Assembly representing Town constituencies; as to the extension of the franchise to persons who, by reason of their religious scruples, could not conscientiously take the prescribed oath; as to the repeal of the law disqualifying British subjects from voting at elections till the expiration of seven years after their return from a residence in a foreign country; and as to the interference of ecclesiastical Legislative Councillors in secular matters.

Somerset, being of a solitary and studious nature, was not quite competent to estimate precisely the disqualifying effect, if any, of her nonconformity, her newness of blood, and other things, among the old county families established round her; but the toughest prejudices, he thought, were not likely to be long invulnerable to such cheerful beauty and brightness of intellect as Paula's.

But if Cromwell showed his consummate craft in thus serving himself as well as his master, he can have had no personal reasons for the stand he made in the Parliament which was summoned in November against a bill for disqualifying the Cardinal for all after employment, which was introduced by Norfolk and More.

Hist. xxix. 1300-1341. Parl. Hist. xxxiv. 574-655. Mr. Wallas's Life of Place, p. 25 n. State Trials, xxiv. 575. Ibid. xxv. 330. Ibid. xxv. 390. Paul's Godwin, i. 147. Stephens, ii. 48, 477. Ibid. ii. 34-41, 323, 478-481. Ibid. ii. 483. Bentham's Works, x. 404. He was member for Old Sarum 1801-2; but his career ended by a declaratory act disqualifying for a seat men who had received holy orders.

He means by that word, of course, a defence of all the tyrannical and oppressive abuses of the Church which have been swept away within the last fifteen or twenty years of my life; the Corporation and Test Acts; the Penal Laws against the Catholics; the Compulsory Marriages of Dissenters, and all those disabling and disqualifying laws which were the disgrace of our Church, and which he has always looked up to as the consummation of human wisdom.

After tedious disputes and zealous altercations, they agreed that a certain number of offices should be specified as disqualifying places. This self-denying clause, and some other amendments, produced conferences between the two houses, and at length the bill passed by their mutual assent.

Supposing this Power free to act or to refrain from acting, we asked whether he could take the affirmative course choose the "Everlasting Yea" as Carlyle would phrase it without forfeiting our esteem and disqualifying for the post of Invisible King in the Wellsian sense of the term.

The first edict in the new reign contained a repeal of Julian's disqualifying laws, and a grant of universal toleration.

In the foregoing provisions attention is called to the following: The crimes mentioned as disqualifying from voting are such as it is always easy, when desirable, to convict the Negro of committing.

Besides a certain disqualifying pride of heart, I know nothing of your connections in life, and have no access to where your real character is to be found the company of your compeers: and more, I am afraid that even the most refined adulation is by no means the road to your good opinion.