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From complete disenchantment she was saved, however, by her deepening affection for Isabel Wallace, and, whenever they were together, Susan had to admit that a more lovely personality had never been developed by any environment or in any class.

His real detachment from her had taken place, not at the lurid moment of disenchantment, but now, in the sober after-light of discrimination, where he saw her definitely divided from him by the crudeness of a choice which seemed to deny the very differences he felt in her.

"Of what use is art," he says, "if it is only a reduplication of existence? We see around us only too much of the sadness and disenchantment of reality."

The disenchantment to him was already so complete that he was even disagreeably affected by the tone of her voice; it was almost as repellent to him as this exhibition of unrestrained bad temper which she seemed perfectly careless to conceal. "I confess you surprise me," he said, coldly. The reply produced no effect on her. On the contrary, she became more insolent than ever.

He regurgitated the memories of his youthful amours. Deception. Disenchantment. How pitilessly base a woman is while she is young! " ... To be thinking of things like that now at my age! As if I had any need of a woman now!" But in spite of all, his pseudonymous correspondent interested him. "Who knows? Perhaps she is good-looking, or at least not very ill-looking.

But why should it not have been a philosopher who dreaded the disenchantment which a woman would experience at the sight of a man asleep? And such a one would always roll himself up in a coverlet and keep his head bare. Unknown author of this Jesuitical method, whoever thou art, in the devil's name, we hail thee as a brother! Thou hast been the cause of many disasters.

Pauline de Fleuvieres turned out to be the feeblest, faintest echo of her." The Duchessa meditated for an instant. "It seems impossible. It's one of those situations in which a disenchantment seems the foregone conclusion," she said, at last. "It seems so, indeed," assented Peter; "but disenchantment, there was none. She was all that he had imagined, and infinitely more.

Presently she stepped upon the beach into the mellow gloaming, and stood like a statue, with her eyes bent on the sinking orb, which threw a trail of splendour across the lake. It was the priestess, and apparently alone. A closer view of her person brought me no disenchantment.

A subdued clucking and fluttering marked their hidden perches; then came showers of rain-drops from the shining leaves as a bird mounted to a higher branch; after which silence fell again. And Joan found all hope fairly dead at last. There and then, in the misty eveningtide, the fact fell on the ear of her heart as though one had spoken it; and henceforth she dated disenchantment from that hour.

The process of disenchantment must have been a long one, and none can say how soon it became complete. Perhaps we may take Heine's word for it, that "Genau bei Weibern Weiss man niemals wo der Engel Aufhoert und der Teufel anfaengt."