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The mother devoured her with eyes of remorse and adoration, while her face was still red with anger. 'Dis-moi, you don't feel anything? she said, kissing her hungrily. 'Are you tired? Shall I carry you upstairs and put you on the bed to rest? And she did carry her up, not allowing David to touch her.

Et dis-moi donc, pourquoi es-tu paresseuse? Pourquoi ne fais-tu pas de musique? I fancied you playing c-dur when the hollow, melting wind howls through the dry twigs of the lindens, and d-moll when the snow-flakes chase in fantastic whirls around the corners of the old tower, and, after their desperation is spent, cover the graves with their winding-sheet.

Then we would encamp out under good tents, and during the evening, while smoking near our blazing fires, I would hear stories which taught me more of life in the United States than if I had been residing there for years. "Dis-moi qui tu frequentes, je te dirai qui tu es," is the old French proverb.

Then, bestirring herself with an effort, her white fingers ran over the keys again, and in her sweet, musical voice she sang "L'Heure d'Aimer," that pretty valse chantee so popular in Paris: Voici l'heure d'aimer, l'heure des tendresses; Dis-moi les mots tres doux qui vont me griser, Ah! prends-moi dans tes bras, fais-moi des caresses; Je veux mourir pour revivre sous ton baiser.

Si un ennemi verse du poison dans ces coupes elles deviennent comme des pommes d'argent. Dans un coffret incruste d'ambre j'ai des sandales incrustees de verre. J'ai des manteaux qui viennent du pays des Seres et des bracelets garnis d'escarboucles et de jade qui viennent de la ville d'Euphrate. . . Enfin, que veux-tu, Salome? Dis-moi ce que tu desires et je te le donnerai.

Then we would encamp out under good tents, and during the evening, while smoking near our blazing fires, I would hear stories which taught me more of life in the United States than if I had been residing there for years. "Dis-moi qui tu fréquentes, je te dirai qui tu es," is the old French proverb. Mr.