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Then as they nestled together they would repeat in concert poor woman! perhaps she thought it a mystic invocation charged with some potent power of prayer or magic "Ding-dong-bell!" and the comparative biographies of little Johnny Green and little Johnny Stout, and the vicissitudes of the poor pussycat submitted to their diverse ministrations.

Hark! now I hear them ding-dong-bell." "For shame, Mr Price!" interrupted the boatswain. "Ding-dong-ding-dong-bell." "Mr Price, what does the Scripture say? `Judgments are prepared for scorners," continued the boatswain with vehemence. Price had resumed his former attitude, and made no answer.

"Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade But doth suffer a sea change Into something rich and strange. Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell: Hark, now I hear them Ding-dong-bell." This strange news of his lost father soon roused the prince from the stupid fit into which he had fallen.

If any of his noisy brethren, in our tongue-governed democracy, be envious of the superiority which I have assigned him, they have my free consent to hang themselves as high as he. And, for his history, let not the reader apprehend an empty repetition of ding-dong-bell.

The rosy clouds were gathering in the west, as the pure evening breeze wafted to the little girl's ears the distant sound of bells. 'It's bells, mammie, she said, turning round, 'church bells; can't you hear them? Ding-dong-bell, ding-dong-bell. 'Yes, said her mother, 'I can hear them clearly now; our old nurse used to tell us they were saying, "Come and pray, come and pray."

And there sits a great yellow cat upon a window-sill, a very corpulent and comfortable cat, gazing at this transitory world with owl's eyes, and making pithy comments, doubtless, or what appear such, to the silly beast. Oh, sage puss, make room for me beside you, and we will be a pair of philosophers. Here we see something to remind us of the town-crier and his ding-dong-bell.

"Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange, Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell: Hark, now I hear them, ding-dong-bell." This strange news of his lost father soon roused the prince from the stupid fit into which he had fallen.

Rosalie could see inside many a cheerful little home, where the firelight was shining on the faces of the father, the mother, and the children. How she wished they had a little home! Ding-dong-bell, ding-dong-bell; still the chimes went on, and one and another came out of the small cottages, and took the road leading to the church, with their books under their arms.