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Merla's diagnosis of her destination had been a correct one; Francesca made her way slowly through the hot streets in the direction of Serena Golackly's house on the far side of Berkeley Square. To the blessed certainty of finding a game of bridge, she hopefully added the possibility of hearing some fragments of news which might prove interesting and enlightening.

A diagnosis of cervical dislocation was made, and violent extension, with oscillation forward and backward, was practiced, and the abnormal appearance subsided at once. No crepitus was noticed. On the fourth day there was slight hemorrhage from the mouth, which was more severe on the fifth and sixth days.

Neither is it my purpose to enter into a discussion of the problems of differential diagnosis. It has already been shown, in borderland cases, that one cannot tell the difference between epilepsy and hysteria, without a prolonged psychoanalysis, and even then one cannot be certain. This suggests that the whole thing is more or less a matter of definition. Into such questions I cannot enter.

This is the sort of thing I enjoy of course it is very sad but it is a tussle with death. I know a good deal about medicine, and Grierson has more than once complimented me on my diagnosis he said it was masterly forgive a touch of vanity! But you mustn't lose your walk. Maud, dear, you take Howard out I am sure he won't mind for once.

When one considers the anatomy of the brachial nerve plexus and the distribution of its various branches, the location of this plexus and its proximity to the first rib, and the inevitable injury it must suffer in fracture of this bone, together with the inaccessibility of the plexus, it is not strange that a correct diagnosis of the various affections of the brachial plexus and the radial nerve is often impossible until several days or weeks have passed.

They would rather go about getting their heart's desire in some crooked, intricate, underhanded way than by the direct route. Such a fault is almost certain to be an inherited one; and here again, a close study of the child's relatives will often help the mother to make a good diagnosis, and even suggest to her the line of treatment.

So wore along the morning, with growing mystery and excitement. It was not long before the Brent family physician was summoned, and after a careful diagnosis pronounced Brent in a hopeless state as far as his own science was concerned. Eva was by this time more than frantic. The consolation of Paul seemed to add to her nervousness.

And his diagnosis was confirmed a little later, when, as the two former vaudeville performers passed Ruth and Alice, Miss Pennington, with a sharp glance at the latter, murmured loudly enough to be heard: "Humph! It takes more than one performance in a little part to make a movie actress! Some folks think they are mighty smart, coming in over the heads of others!"

Von Peckzely added the Diagnosis from the Eye, which reveals not only the innermost secrets of the human organism, but also Nature's ways and means of cure, and the changes for better or for worse continually occurring in the body. In this country, Dr. Trall of New York, Dr. Jackson of Danville, Dr.

It would be well for some of those with the requisite historical knowledge and insight to trace carefully the causes which have led to war in the past, to attempt a diagnosis of the disease which has again and again devastated the world.