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Most of the living Cerithia inhabit the sea near the mouths of rivers, where the waters are brackish; so that their abundance in the marine strata now under consideration is in harmony with the hypothesis that the Paris basin formed a gulf into which several rivers flowed. Calcarina rarispina, Desh. a. Natural size. b. Spirolina stenostoma, Desh. a. Natural size. b. Triloculina inflata, Desh. a.

Godwin-Austen has shown, fragments and water- worn fossils of the oolitic rocks, speak plainly of the nature of the pre- existing formations, by the wearing down of which the Neocomian beds were formed. The land, consisting of such rocks, was doubtless submerged before the origin of the white chalk, a deposit which was formed in a more open sea, and in clearer waters. Perna Mulleti, Desh.

Physa columnaris, Desh. Melanopsis buccinoidea, Ferr.; recent. The univalve shells most characteristic of fresh-water deposits are, Planorbis, Limnaea, and Paludina. Neritina globulus, Def. Nerita granulosa, Desh.

These beds, which are without any marine equivalent in this country, appear completely to bridge over the interval between the Neocomian and the Oolites. They may, perhaps, as suggested by Mr. Judd, be of the same age as part of the Wealden series. Gervillia anceps, Desh. Trigonia caudata, Agassiz. Terebratula sella, Sowerby. Diceras Lonsdalii. Upper Neocomian, Wilts. a. The bivalve shell. b.

The dog outside carried the other end. "An' 'e ishn't dead?" Dad said, after hearing what had befallen Dave. "Don' b'leevsh id wuzhn't bit. Die 'fore shun'own ifsh desh ad'er bish 'm." "Bit!" Dave said bitterly, turning round to the surprise of everyone. "I never said I was BIT. No one said I was only those snivelling idiots and that pumpkin-headed Irish pig there."

In one of these cliffs, sixty feet above the sea, beds of mussels were found: ostrea, pinna, chama; according to Dr. V. M. O. denticula, Bron.; O. cornucopiae, Chemn.; O. rosacea, Desh.; Chama sulfurea, Reeve; Pinna Nigrina, Lam.

The south side of the straits, which now constitutes Emmet, Cheboygan and Charlevoix counties, our tradition says, was exceedingly thickly populated by another race of Indians, whom the Ottawas called Mush-co- desh, which means, "the Prairie tribe."

Anxious to put them to the test, they resolved to try them on their old enemies, the Mush-co- desh, who had not yet seen the white man and were unacquainted with firearms. Accordingly an expedition was fitted out.

"How much wongur?" an' he pookered man'y "Desh bar;" I penned: "Is dovo, noko gry?" "Avali." Well, a Rommany chul del him desh bar for the gry an' bikined it for twelve bar to a boro rye. It was a fino kaulo gry with a boro herree, but had a naflo piro; it was the nearo piro an' was a dellemescro. He del it some hopium drab to hatch adoi, and tooled his solivengro upo the purgis.

It contained but a single occupant, a negro, who appeared nearly as old as Solon. He listened with open-mouthed wonder to the boy's hurriedly told story, and not only expressed a ready sympathy, but promised to have "de young gen'l'man an' der lilly lady lamb on de sho' in free minutes. Ole Clod, him know de way. De frog can't fool him on desh yer ribber."