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These are of Tertiary and Cretaceous ages, the latter rocks resting on a reddish sandstone of older date. The beds containing Schloenbachia inflata are referable to the Gault. Rocks of Tertiary age are met with at Dombe Grande, Mossamedes and near Loanda. The sandstones with gypsum, copper and sulphur of Dombe are doubtfully considered to be of Triassic age.

The Timber-trees are, of the Oaks, Quercus alba, Quercus macrocarpa, Quercus tinctoria, Quercus imbricaria, Hard and Soft Maples, and of the Hickories, Carya alba, Carya tomentosa, and Carya amara. Of Medicinal Plants, we find Cassia Marilandica, Polygala Senega, Sanguinaria Canadensis, Lobelia inflata, Phytolacca decandra, Podophyllum peliatum, Sassafras officinale.

Prawns and shrimps furnish delicacies for the breakfast table; and the delicate little pea crab, Pontonia inflata , recalls its Mediterranean congener , which attracted the attention of Aristotle, from taking up its habitation in the shell of the living pinna. Nat.

Most of the living Cerithia inhabit the sea near the mouths of rivers, where the waters are brackish; so that their abundance in the marine strata now under consideration is in harmony with the hypothesis that the Paris basin formed a gulf into which several rivers flowed. Calcarina rarispina, Desh. a. Natural size. b. Spirolina stenostoma, Desh. a. Natural size. b. Triloculina inflata, Desh. a.