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I usually find it and the fringed polygala in bloom at the same time; the lady's-slipper is a little later.

There were afternoons when the world was flooded with silver light, when the fields were lucent in the sun; and afternoons stained with blue, the landscape like a tapestry woven in delicate grins on a ground of indigo. The arbutus, all aglow and fragrant beneath its leaves, the purple fringed polygala were past, but they found the pale gold lily of the bellwort, the rust-red bloom of the ginger.

The yellow fails in many highly developed flowers, which are not liable to produce yellow variations, as in Salvia, Aster, Centaurea, Vinca, Polygala and many others. Even the rare pale yellowish species of some of these genera have no tendency in this direction.

The spring-beauty, the painted trillium, the fringed polygala, the showy lady's-slipper, are all more striking to look upon, but they do not quite touch the heart; they lack the soul that perfume suggests. Their charms do not abide with you as do those of the arbutus.

This is about equally hardy with the former, and produces a great abundance of sweetly-scented flowers. Australia and Tasmania. Another half-hardy species, which bears, even in a young state, an abundance of rather small, whitish flowers. POLYGALA CHAMAEBUXUS. Bastard Box. A neat little shrubby plant, with small ovate, coriaceous leaves, and fragrant yellow and cream flowers.

I eagerly complied with his request, and swallowed some of the juice. Like the seneca root, it tasted hot and pungent, with something of the flavour of spirits of camphor. But the polygala is quite inodorous, while the guaco gives forth a strong aromatic smell, resembling valerian. I had already experienced relief this would have given it to me almost instantaneously.

Rattlesnake root Botanical, Polygala senega being an active stimulant, will counteract the bite of this most poisonous of reptiles.

The child is a plant that blossoms first at the root underground, like the fringed polygala, and only after a free and natural nurture, again blossoms at the top with the same color, the same modest beauty.

There were afternoons when the world was flooded with silver light, when the fields were lucent in the sun; and afternoons stained with blue, the landscape like a tapestry woven in delicate grins on a ground of indigo. The arbutus, all aglow and fragrant beneath its leaves, the purple fringed polygala were past, but they found the pale gold lily of the bellwort, the rust-red bloom of the ginger.

There were afternoons when the world was flooded with silver light, when the fields were lucent in the sun; and afternoons stained with blue, the landscape like a tapestry woven in delicate grins on a ground of indigo. The arbutus, all aglow and fragrant beneath its leaves, the purple fringed polygala were past, but they found the pale gold lily of the bellwort, the rust-red bloom of the ginger.