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The former sent General Veatch's, and the latter General John A. Logan's brigade. I asked the former to support our left flank, and the latter our right flank. The next morning early, Morgan L. Smith's brigade was deployed under cover on the left, and Denver's on the right, ready to move forward rapidly at a signal.

There was no sound of breathing, though no doubt that was plain to the keen ear of Denver but it was something more than sound or sight. It was like feeling a soul that impalpable presence in the night. A ghostly and a thrilling thing to Terry Hollis. Now, against the window on the farther side of the room, he made out the dim outline of Denver's chunky shoulders and shapeless hat.

Calumet stepped over to Denver's confederate and took up the pistol from the floor near him, replacing it in his holster. By this time the crowd in the saloon was standing near the two gunmen, commenting gravely or humorously, according to its whim. "Surprise party for him," suggested one, pointing to Denver. "Didn't tickle him a heap, though," said another.

"And that Denver, being some able-bodied and having a good reach, be requested to deliver same to the gent needing it," concluded Missou. Reddy backed in alarm to the wall. "Y'u boys don't want to get gay with me. Y'u can't monkey with " Motion carried unanimously. Just as Reddy whipped out his revolver Denver's long leg shot out and his foot caught the wrist behind the weapon.

Denver had asked Bunker what he meant when he refused Drusilla's address and intimated that he was unworthy of her friendship, but after a gloomy hour in the deepening twilight the question answered itself. Bunker had taken his daughter across the desert, on her way to the train and New York, and his curt remarks were but the reflex of her's as she discussed Denver's many transgressions.

They wended their way through Denver's lowest slums and finally arrived at the headquarters of this gang of professional tramp beggars, who always prefer cities in which to ply their trade, and only strike out to visit smaller places and the country at large and then only in separate pairs when too many of them drifted into the same city, so as to make combing the public for money an unprofitable business, or when the police made a general raid upon vagrants of their class.

He's ahead by two inches and more." There was a celebration that day which warmed Denver's heart and sent Slogger Meacham cursing out of the camp, but as soon as it was over and he had his prize money in his hand Denver remembered his unguarded claim.