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If I cast part of my burden, I shall be more strong and delivré to bear the rest. And, to tell your Majesty what my thoughts run upon, I think of writing a story of England, and of recompiling of your laws into a better digest."

The yard cleared suddenly for the eleven o'clock meal. As Fanny passed the limousine a man appeared at the broken window and beckoned to her. His face was white, and he wore his shirt, trousers, and braces. She stopped short with the bucket in her hand. "On est delivre de cette bande!" he said, pointing to the yard, and she went a little nearer.

Il y a bien des jours que je voulais vous ecrire, et ce long silence me faisait craindre que vous ne fussiez malade, comme vous l'etiez en effet; mais je me disais aussi que les vacances de Paques vous ameneraient sans doute a Paris. J'espere que le printemps vous guerira completement de cet acces; et que vous serez delivre de ce mal si douloureux, des que la chaleur nous sera revenue.

"That is very sad, Therese; a Christian woman much less well provided for than this pagan, Hamilcar here! what does she have to say?" "Monsieur, I never speak to those people; I don't know what she says or what she sings. But she sings all day long; I hear her from the stairway whenever I am going out or coming in." Priez le Dieu du ciel Qu'il me delivre vite, Qu'il me donne un garcon!

"Il a delivre par son eloquence sa Patrie et la Russie d'une guerre a la quelle il n'y avoit ni justice ni raisons." Another subject that engaged much of the attention of Mr. Sheridan this year was his own motion relative to the constitution of the Royal Scotch Boroughs.