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Shakspere, we shall find, was implicated in it in a very large degree. Instead of indicating, however, that controversy by the designation under which it is known in literature, it would be more correct to put SHAKSPERE'S name in the place of that of Dekker.

The cause which may have induced Shakspere to confer upon his 'Hamlet' the thoughts and the peculiarities of Montaigne, and to give that play the shape in which we now have it, will become apparent when we have to explain the controversy between Jonson and Dekker. We have thus the advantage over Simpson's method, that our theory will be confirmed from other sources.

Dramatist, was an actor in the Queen's Company 1610. He collaborated with Middleton in A Fair Quarrel and The Changeling, and in others with Dekker, Webster, etc., and wrote unassisted A New Wonder, A Match at Midnight, A Shoemaker, a Gentleman, and several others; also a picture of life in London called A Search for Money.

The part of the king is a very unimportant one; and it may be assumed that Dekker intended the king and the poet to be looked upon as the same person. When the accused Horace is to be judged, the King says to Crispinus: Not under us, but next us take thy seate; Artes nourished by Kings make Kings more great.

He often chooses topics mainly for their timeliness, and gathers and says what happens to be in the air. Many of the Elizabethan dramatists, like Dekker and Heywood and Middleton for example, looked at life with the journalistic eye. They collected and disseminated news.

I think it is. What pictures did you look at?" "I was with Dekker. We looked at most, I believe." "And what do you remember best?" "I remember Botticelli's Venus on the Shell." "Yes! Yes! " said Manfredi. "I like her. But I like others better. You thought her a pretty woman, yes?" "No not particularly pretty. But I like her body. And I like the fresh air.

26: The y, in Pygmalion, seems to us not without cause to be changed by Marston into an i. 27: The number of metaphors used by Shakspere in 'Venus and Adonis, which Marston travesties, is strikingly large. 28: A few instances may here be given of the coarseness with which Dekker pays back Jonson for his personal allusions.

He goes on however, "It was, in my opinion, based on the foregoing facts, originally the production of Dekker and Chettle, added to and philosophically dressed by Francis Bacon." But, according to Mr. If so, the play must show the hands of three, not two, men, Dekker, Chettle, and "Shakespeare," the Great Unknown, or Bacon.

And as Kemp says that Shakspere, thereupon, gave a 'purge, the conclusion is obvious that he who took revenge by administering the purge, must have been the one to whom the pill had been given. 'Volpone, a play directed against the 'purge' that is, 'Hamlet' will convince us that the chief controversy lay between Jonson and Shakspere, and not between Jonson and Dekker.

The same cause would produce the same effect on Shakspere himself; whether he were the author, or were Bacon's, or any man's go-between. On any score but that of money, why was Henslowe good enough for Ben Jonson, Dekker, Heywood, Middleton, and Webster, and not good enough for Bacon, who did not appear in the matter at all, but was represented in it by the actor, Will?