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He stood in the door watchin' me, and suddenly he let off a yelp like a dog, and there he was grinning at the fright he'd given me. 'Good old Aunty Flo, he says, 'ain't you dee-lighted to see me? he says, 'now I'm Reformed." The plump lady went to the sink and filled the kettle. "I never did like 'im," she said, standing at the sink.

If they do spot me, and get foolish enough to think that I got time to listen to any arguments against my rights as a free and unbranded citizen of the big range, why, you drop and roll behind the first sand-hill that is a foot high. After the smoke blows away, I'll be dee-lighted to accept your congratulations." "I guess you mean business," said Winthrop, becoming serious.

Blythe followed me down to my cabin, and for the first time he and Bothwell looked each other over. "This isn't a passenger ship, sir," announced the owner of the Argos bluntly. "You've made a mistake, sir. We'll hand you over to the authorities at Panama." Bothwell bowed. "Dee-lighted! I've always wanted to see the old city of Pizarro, Drake and Morgan.

"Say, Miss Nash, I did get you this time." "Oh, don't tell me that my presiding goddessship is over already." "Uh sure! Now I'm going to be a cruel boss." "Dee-lighted! Are you going to be a caveman?" "I'm sorry. I don't quite get you on that." "That's too bad, isn't it. I think I'd rather like to meet a caveman." "Oh say, I know about that caveman Jack London's guys. I'm afraid I ain't one.

"But I do want to say a word or two, if you'll let me." She paused for some sign, and Patricia in her corner was delighted at the Babel which answered her. Cries of "Of course we will!" "Dee-lighted!" "Take all the time you want!" mingled with applause and stamping, until Elinor could not forbear a laugh.