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Next morning Paul read his speech in the papers and it caused him as much surprise as it did Manager Murphy when he read it. His portion of the proceeds amounted to thirty-two pounds. When manager Murphy paid him over the balance after deducting the advanced five pounds, he felt more like a gentleman traveling in Europe for his health.

A man who comes to us with money puts it into the fund, and so makes things easy for the next man who comes with empty pockets. While they are with us, they all live in the same comfort, and have their equal share in the same profits deducting the sum in reverse for sudden calls and bad times.

When the transaction was closed and we returned him his margin, we had the pleasure of including in our cheque thirty-nine hundred dollars profit, after deducting our commissions, which amounted to five hundred and seventy-five dollars. This experience gave me a hint I was quick to take. If an individual member of one firm in the trade would speculate, why not members of other firms?

Hence we see the reason why it is not easy to gain a direct spectrum of any coloured object in the day-time, where there is much lateral light, except of very bright objects, as of the setting sun, or by looking through an opake tube; because the lateral external light falling also on the central part of the retina, contributes to induce the reverse spectrum, which is at the same time the direct spectrum of that lateral light, deducting only the colour of the central object which we have been viewing.

Deducting from the total receipts the sum of $63,261.84, received from international money orders of the preceding fiscal year, and deducting from the total expenditures the sum of $1,163,818.20, paid on liabilities incurred in previous fiscal years, the expenditures and receipts appertaining to the business of the last fiscal year were as follows: Expenditures $32,322,504.24

Beginning with expressions of our most profound respect, we related all the events which had occurred from our setting out on the expedition, down to the election of Cortes as our captain-general, till the pleasure of his majesty might be made known on the subject, together with our engagement to allow Cortes a fifth part of the treasure, after deducting the kings part.

This power is allowed to be sufficient to elevate its ball to the height of twenty-four thousand feet, deducting the effect of atmospheric resistance. Yet a child of six summers could destroy all this force by the elastic and continued action of its fingers inside of two-thirds of a minute.

This, of course, after deducting the depth of the rim and the presumed thickness of the head, gave me half the length of the interior of the cask, and that was all I wanted, since two halves make one whole. I was now in possession of the data of my problem; it only remained for me to seek the solution.

Rose betimes, and to my office till church time to write two copies of my Will fair, bearing date this day, wherein I have given my sister Pall L500, my father for his owne and my mother's support L2,000, to my wife the rest of my estate, but to have L2500 secured to her, though by deducting out of what I have given my father and my sister.

This perhaps sells for thirty, thirty-five, or forty pounds, so that, deducting the labor of preparing it for market, there is a gain of fifty, seventy-five, or a hundred per cent. besides, probably, ten per cent, interest, which is altogether distinct from the former.