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The Aubette has its source at Saint-Aubin, a small village near Rouen. This rivulet runs through Saint-Léger-du-bourg-Denis, Darnétal, enters Rouen by the suburb Martainville, and falls into the Seine, at the entrance to the Cours-Dauphin, near the porte Guillaume-Lion. These two rivers are specially useful for mills and dying establishments.

"Where's Paula?" I cried, for I remembered at once that terrible scene in the Rue Darnetal. "Paula is in her room," said Catalina, turning her head to hide the tears that would come in spite of all her efforts. I tried to rise and go to our room. "Stay where you are, Lisita!" said Catalina. "You may go a bit later when you're feeling stronger." But now a terrible suspicion crossed my mind.

From this elevated position, in turning towards the north-east, we see the valley of Darnetal, which has become so rich through the industry of those who inhabit it. The eye reposes with pleasure on the gothic tower of the church of Carville; and of which, according to tradition, Henry IVth, made a post of observation when he besieged the fort of the ligue.

He will take the first road " "To Rouen, where we will arrest him." "He will not go to Rouen." "Then he will remain in the vicinity, where his capture will be even more certain." "He will not remain in the vicinity." "Oh! oh! And where will he hide?" I looked at my watch, and said: "At the present moment, Arsene Lupin is prowling around the station at Darnetal.

I'm afraid she'll be caught in the rain before she gets back." I soon found her as she turned in at the bottom of the Rue Darnetal. "We must hurry," she said as the thunder began to mutter in the distance. Hardly had she spoken when a flash of lightning almost blinded us. This was followed almost immediately by a great crash of thunder that seemed to shake the very ground under our feet.

On the side of the house, where ran the broad road from Rouen to Darnetal, a high rugged wall surrounded a wide yard, guarded at the entrance by two massive doors, studded with enormous spikes.

A little later, a black mass descended from the direction of Sainte-Catherine, while two more invading torrents poured in from the roads from Darnetal and Bois-guillaume.

Catherine's Hill, while two other invading bodies appeared respectively on the Darnetal and the Boisguillaume roads. The advance guards of the three corps arrived at precisely the same moment at the Square of the Hotel de Ville, and the German army poured through all the adjacent streets, its battalions making the pavement ring with their firm, measured tread.

We must not forget that an English detachment, which served in the army of the king, conducted itself very bravely in the different attacks, with which it was entrusted. On the opposite side of the valley of Darnetal and towards the north, we distinguish the hill named des Sapins, on which the monumental burying ground is situated.

Catherine Hill, while two other invading waves appeared on the Darnetal and Boisguillame roads. The vanguards of the three corps made their junction at precisely the same time in the Hotel de Ville Square; and, by all the neighboring roads, the German Army was arriving, rolling its battalions that made the pavements ring under their heavy and well measured steps.