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Railroad hill wasn't so bad, over there by the soap-factory, because they didn't run trains all the time, and you stood a good chance of missing being run over by the engine, but Dangler's Well, now, I want to tell you Dangler's was an awful steep hill, and a long one, and when you think that it was so steep nobody ever pretended to drive up it even in the summer-time, and you slide down the hill and think that, once you got to going.

In comparison with her, Lizzie Dangler's prosy platitudes, which some deemed wit Horner, par exemple sank into nothingness, and Baby Blake, one of the "gushing" order of girlhood, appeared as a stick, or, rather, a too pliant sapling her inane "yes's" and lisping "no's" having an opportunity of being "weighed in the balance," and consequently, in my opinion, "found wanting."

Boggs's hill, back of the lady's house that taught the infant-class in Sunday-school, was a good hill. It had a creek at the bottom, and a fine, long ride, eight or ten feet, on the ice. But Dangler's hill was the boss. It was the one we all made up our minds we would ride down some day when the snow was just right. We'd go over there' and look up to the brow of the hill and say: "Gee!

A mon connot olez be sober; A mon connot sing To a bonnier thing Nor a pitcher o' stingin' October." "Jenny, my lass," said the old woman, "see who it is. It's oather 'Skedlock' or 'Nathan o' Dangler's." Jenny peeped through the window, an' said, "It's Skedlock. He's lookin' at th' turmits i'th garden. Little Joseph's wi' him. They're comin' in. Joseph's new clogs on."

Less wait till it gets all covered with ice, and all slick and smooth. Then less come over and go down." "Say, won't she go like sixty then! Jeemses Rivers! Come on, I'll beat you to the corner." That was the closest we ever came to going down Dangler's hill.

But wouldn't a fellow come down like sixty, though?" "Betchy!" We'd look up again, and somebody would say: "Aw, come on. Less go over to Boggs's hill." "Thought you was goin' down Dangler's." "Yes, I know, but all the other fellows is over to Boggs's." "A-ah, ye're afraid." "Ain't either." "Y' are teether." "I dare you." "Oh, well now " "I double dare you." "All right. I will if you will.