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"And then I saw her die she stretched her poor thin hard-working hands out to God, and over and over again she muttered and moaned in her fever the refrain of an old peasant song we have in Touraine, 'Oh, la tristesse d'avoir aime! If you had heard her if you had seen her if you had, or have a heart to feel, nerves to wrench, a brain to rack, blood to be stung to frenzy, you would, seeing your mother perish thus, have thought, that to kill the man who had made such a wreck of a sweet pure life, would be a just, aye even a virtuous deed!

L'impassible froideur de Julien redoubla le malheur de Mademoiselle de la Mole. Elle était loin d'avoir le sang-froid nécessaire pour chercher

She saw the woman's gaze, hard and curious, take in the details of her appearance, from her muddy shoes up to her blood-stained cheek. "I've had an accident je viens d'avoir un petit accident," she explained hurriedly. "Il faut que je téléphone immédiatement." The concierge's face cleared slightly. "Pour chercher un médecin, sans doute?" she suggested. "Bien voici le téléphone."

Vous savez que j'ai a great taste for it; mais il faut vous avouer une triste verite, c'est que je manque absolument de loisir pour le lire. Ne m'en envoyez plus; car je me sens peine d'avoir sous les yeux de si bonnes choses, dont je n'ai pas le temps de tue nourrir." "In the year 1817," Lady Trevelyan writes, "my parents made a tour in Scotland with your uncle.