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Cages for drying specimens were suspended from the rafters by cords well anointed, to prevent ants from descending, with a bitter vegetable oil; rats and mice were kept from them by inverted cuyas, placed half way down the cords.

The fruit, also, is largely consumed; while the wood is excessively durable in water. Two lofty trees, closely allied to each other the Lecythis ollaria and the Bertholletia excelsa produce enormous capsules full of nuts. The first, called the sapucaya, yields these curious capsules known as cuyas de maccao, or monkeys' drinking-cups.

As we passed along we found on the ground a number of woody vessels, which had evidently contained seeds. Duppo picked up one of them, and found another piece close by which fitted on to it, and then told us that they were called monkeys' drinking-cups; the Portuguese call them cuyas de macaco. These shells had contained nuts.

It consists of about forty houses, most of which are occupied by Portuguese shopkeepers. A few Indian families reside here, who occupy themselves with the manufacture of ornamental pottery and painted cuyas, which they sell to traders or passing travellers. The cuyas drinking-cups made from gourds are sometimes very tastefully painted.

Cambiaron los tiempos; pero, puestas ya en relieve las altas dotes de nuestro D. Manuel Eduardo, siguió desempeñando a intervalos papel notable en la administración pública, ya como consejero, ya como ministro de Relaciones o de Hacienda, cuyas secretarías tuvo diversas veces a su cargo; ya, en fin, como plenipotenciario en el arreglo de las cuestiones que en 1838 provocaron la guerra con Francia . Infatigable en su actividad, la consagraba ora a la instrucción general y a la de los niños de la Casa de Corrección, cuyo establecimiento fué objeto particular de sus desvelos; ora al teatro, cuya afición jamás le faltó , y a que dió impulso por todos los medios posibles, haciendo venir, en mucha parte a su costa, la primera compañía de ópera, y constituyéndose empresario del Principal, para cuyo fomento refundió y tradujo multitud de piezas extranjeras, entre ellas la Emilia Galotti, obra de bastante mérito, del dramaturgo alemán Léssing.

The passengers took the matter very coolly, although the water spouted up alarmingly, and I thought we should inevitably be swamped. Captain Antonio took off his socks to stop the leak, inviting me and the Juiz de Paz, who was one of the party, to do the same, while two Indians baled out the water with large cuyas.