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The assessment of these patches can be no light piece of work just the thing, in fact, that would give employment to a large number of small and variegated Government officials, any one of whom, assuming that he was of an Oriental cast of mind, might make the cultivator's life interesting.

'It was a bull a Red Bull that shall come and help thee and carry thee whither? I have forgotten. A Red Bull on a green field, was it not? 'Nay, it will carry me nowhere, said Kim. 'It is but a tale I told thee. 'What is this? The cultivator's wife leaned forward, her bracelets clinking on her arm. 'Do ye both dream dreams?

But having expended his indignation in a transient paroxysm, he soon settled back to his customary mental complacency and self-possession; and as he had no longer any pledge of consequence remaining to him in the soil of Kentucky and as it was, moreover, becoming on all sides subject to the empire of the cultivator's axe and plough, he resolved to leave the country.

'That we believe, snorted the cultivator's wife malignantly. 'Nay, but all who serve the Sirkar with weapons in their hands are, as it were, one brotherhood. There is one brotherhood of the caste, but beyond that again' she looked round timidly 'the bond of the Pulton the Regiment eh? 'My brother is in a Jat regiment, said the cultivator. 'Dogras be good men.

This is shown emphatically by those cases which we do not clearly understand; I take for example the strangest, as is fitting. Some irreverent zealots have hailed the Phaloenopsis as Queen of Flowers, dethroning our venerable rose. I have not to consider the question of allegiance, but decidedly this is, upon the whole, the most interesting of all orchids in the cultivator's point of view.

This seemed to make Kim's supernatural origin more certain. 'Was not such an one's daughter born then 'And her mother bore her husband four sons in four years all likely boys, cried the cultivator's wife, sitting outside the circle in the shadow.

But after a while the ranks began to be thinned and the ground to be broken; the little touches of beauty with which the sun had enlivened the woodland began to grow broader and cheerfuller; and then as the forest scattered away to the right and left, gay streams of light came through the glades and touched the surface of the rolling ground, where, in the hollows, on the heights, on the sloping sides of the dingles, knots of trees of yet more luxuriant and picturesque growth, planted or left by the cultivator's hand long ago, and trained by no hand but nature's, stood so as to distract a painter's eye; and just now, in the fresh gilding of the morning, and with all the witchery of the long shadows upon the uneven ground, certainly charmed Fleda's eye and mind both.

They all unloosed their bundles and made their morning meal. Then the banker, the cultivator, and the soldier prepared their pipes and wrapped the compartment in choking, acrid smoke, spitting and coughing and enjoying themselves. The Sikh and the cultivator's wife chewed pan; the lama took snuff and told his beads, while Kim, cross-legged, smiled over the comfort of a full stomach.

'Beggars aplenty have I met, and holy men to boot, but never such a yogi nor such a disciple, said the woman. Her husband touched his forehead lightly with one finger and smiled. But the next time the lama would eat they took care to give him of their best. And at last tired, sleepy, and dusty they reached Umballa City Station. 'We abide here upon a law-suit, said the cultivator's wife to Kim.

Some noble Hemlocks are occasionally seen in rude situations, where the cultivator's art has not interrupted their spontaneous growth; and the poet and the naturalist are inspired with a more pleasing admiration of their beauty, because they have seen them only where the solitary birds sing their wild notes, and where the heart is unmolested by the crowding tumult of human settlements.