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"Oh, I don't know, Emmy," the poor woman broke out desperately; "sometimes I think his cough's a little looser, but he's getting to have that same look about the eyes that your pa had that last winter" Mrs. Wickersham left her work abruptly, and went and stood in the doorway with her back toward her daughter. The girl took up her mother's deserted task, and went on with it soberly.

The disease was latent in his family, Elizabeth knew: she had known it when she belonged to him, and fondly thought that, as his wife, her incessant care might save him from it; but nothing could save him now. "Who's that?" said he, in his own sharp, fretful voice. "Me, Tom. But don't speak. Sit down till your cough's over."

The British army was marched round to take the village in the rear, and it was late in the day before they reached the ground where it was proposed they should encamp, it being Lord Cough's intention to attack early in the morning.

He stood with his lids half closed and his lips compressed, staring firmly at his would-be assailant, never flinching for a moment, nor removing his eyes from those which literally glowed with anger. "The cough's gone, Frank, and the disguise might as well go with it. He is not an invalid, but one of the vile, treacherous ruffians in the pay of the Government.

Colonel Dunlop commanded the artillery. The troops amounted to 2900 men. Then there was the British Naval Brigade, consisting of 1829 men, and the French Naval Brigade, of 950. The first attack was made on East or Linn Fort. The Chinese received their assailants with a hot fire, but were soon driven out, retreating to Cough's Fort.

Of this I'm certain, however, she was much too good for him, and was never meant to be a journeyman carpenter's wife, still less what is she now. Her heart's in the right place, at all events; and, since that's the case, the rest may perhaps come round, that is, if she gets through her present illness. A dry cough's the trumpeter of death. If that's true, she's not long for this world.

My cough's nothing; you know I often do get coughs at home, and they never hurt me. As long as you bring me plenty to eat, and stay with me, I'll be all right." The rest and food and home faces had done much already for her; her face looked less pinched, and a little more wholesome colour was creeping slowly into her cheeks.

Now, then, Poll, since you're keepin' me awake in this fashion, it's your dooty to soothe me with an extra panful, and another nor'-wester so, up wi' the pyramid; and after you've done it you must turn into your crib. I'll not want you again to-night; the cough's much better. There thank 'ee. Pollyfy me now that's right. Good-night."

This in a measure was accomplished by the dismounted fire of the troopers, and the retirement was distinguished by the steady coolness displayed by Cough's men and Neville's Bengal Lancers. Deh Mazung was reached, but no Highlanders had as yet reached that place.

Can't you see for yoursel'? It's because he is bound for the New Jeroosalem; because bless his tender soul! that's all the land he'll ever touch." "Good Lord!" I cried. "Nonsense! His cough's better; and look at his cheeks." "Ay we knows that colour on this line. His cough's better, you say; and I say this weather's killing him. You just wait for the nor'-east trades."