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He admits that it is in accordance with nature; but he is apt to argue that the whole progress of civilisation has been the result of an effort to get away from nature. "What! Leave the most important relation into which a man can enter to the mercy of chance, when a mere gesture may arouse passion, or the colour of a corsage induce desire!

The close-fitting corsage and tight sleeve, becoming to the short, plump female, should be modified with simple trimmings, to give fullness and width across the shoulders and bust, and a rounded contour to the arms. Flounces and tucks, which rise high in the skirt, are not suitable to short persons; they cut the figure and destroy symetry.

As she leaned back tilting her chair, her satin corsage below the bust was hidden from Sulpice by the edge of the box and he saw only her face, neck and white shoulders, and she seemed to him to be quite naked, the lines of her serpentine body sharply marked by the red line of the velvet border.

More specifically, she was guilty of contours fortement prononces, corsage de paysanne, quelque chose de sauvage, etc., etc. This girl prided herself on her figure. The two sets, first and second, fought over her as the Greeks and Trojans over a dead hero, or the Yale College societies over a live freshman.

These also decorated her low corsage and spread their wings upon her sleeves. She wore no jewels; and her only ornament was a large butterfly in silver, upon her breast, with diamond- and ruby-studded wings and ruby eyes. A butterfly! Was he dreaming? Had he thought so much of butterflies that he saw them everywhere?

But her face and figure were those of an adult. The fulness of her corsage and the roundness of her waist could leave no doubt of that, even for an old savant like myself. I will venture to add that she was very handsome, with a proud mien; for my iconographic studies have long accustomed me to recognise at once the perfection of a type and the character of a physiognomy.

Then her white ostrich fan in her hand, her pearls around her neck, her diamond stars in her hair, a cluster of roses at her corsage, her best dress on, and an opera-cloak thrown over the back of her chair. Catching, as she thought, a look of irony on Gerald's face, she had a return of suspicion. "See here," she said, observing him narrowly, "there's no trick about this, is there?"

I buried my head beneath my hands, and felt as though my heart was bursting. "That was a gallant girl, that vivandière," said the rough old general; "she must have had a soldier's heart within that corsage. Parbleu! I'd rather not have another such in my brigade, though, after what happened this evening." "What is it you speak of?" said I, faintly.

What a charming picture of her hostess the Queen gives us: "The Empress met us at the top of the staircase, looking like a fairy queen, or nymph, in a white dress, trimmed with grass and diamonds, a beautiful tour de corsage of diamonds round the top of her dress; the same round her waist, and a corresponding coiffure, with her Spanish and Portuguese orders." She must have been a lovely vision.

Delicate filmy threads of gold intersected the heavy white Valenciennes lace mantilla attached to her high silver comb, etched in gold and studded with diminutive diamonds, which sparkled in the light like dew in the sunshine. Her white satin slippers and silk stockings, like her corsage and saya, were also delicately worked in gold.