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All through the dinner Hulot was charming; pleased to see his son-in-law at that table, and yet more happy in the prospect of a reconciliation with Valerie, whose fidelity he proposed to secure by the promise of Coquet's head-clerkship. Stidmann responded to the Baron's amiability by shafts of Parisian banter and an artist's high spirits.

In Paris each ministry is a little town by itself, whence women are banished; but there is just as much detraction and scandal as though the feminine population were admitted there. At the end of three years, Monsieur Marneffe's position was perfectly clear and open to the day, and in every room one and another asked, "Is Marneffe to be, or not to be, Coquet's successor?"

Though she does all this by stealth, her companions remark her coquettry, make signs to each other, and point her out to the gardeners, who join the laugh at her, without the coquet's perceiving it, who is too much taken up with herself. The simphony should express by the sounds, as nearly as possible, the mockery and bursts of laughter from the rest of the gardeners.

"Not I, Caxon," said Oldbuck; "fire away as if you were Captain Coquet's whole platoon I can stand it."

Just as he was leaving the office, the head of the staff of clerks had come to his private room a General with whom he had served for thirty years and Hulot had spoken to him as to appointing Marneffe to Coquet's place, Coquet having consented to retire. "My dear fellow," said he, "I would not ask this favor of the Prince without our having agreed on the matter, and knowing that you approved."

I have no wish to touch you on a sensitive spot, or disoblige you in any way, and I will prove it. If you are determined to get Monsieur Coquet's place, and he will really be a loss in the War Office, for he has been here since 1809, I will go into the country for a fortnight, so as to leave the field open between you and the Marshal, who loves you as a son.

If you want to keep your place, you must make a bed for yourself, and instead of asking the Marshal to give Coquet's place to Marneffe, in your place I would beg him to use his influence to reserve a seat for me on the General Council of State; there you may die in peace, and, like the beaver, abandon all else to the pursuers." "What, do you think the Marshal would forget "

"He is employed in your department in the War Office, under Monsieur Lebrun, in Monsieur Coquet's room," said she with a smile. "I am quite disposed, Madame Madame ?" "Madame Marneffe." "Dear little Madame Marneffe, to do injustice for your sake. I have a cousin living in your house; I will go to see her one day soon as soon as possible; bring your petition to me in her rooms."

Just as he was leaving the office, the head of the staff of clerks had come to his private room a General with whom he had served for thirty years and Hulot had spoken to him as to appointing Marneffe to Coquet's place, Coquet having consented to retire. "My dear fellow," said he, "I would not ask this favor of the Prince without our having agreed on the matter, and knowing that you approved."

I have no wish to touch you on a sensitive spot, or disoblige you in any way, and I will prove it. If you are determined to get Monsieur Coquet's place, and he will really be a loss in the War Office, for he has been here since 1809, I will go into the country for a fortnight, so as to leave the field open between you and the Marshal, who loves you as a son.