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Updated: January 27, 2025

The novices in their innocence live contented amid their hideous surroundings for a year or two, when the wife enters her second epoch, which, for want of a better word, we will call the Japanese period.

The squirrel took them from his hand, stuffing his mouth full, five at a time, limping away to hide them, and back again for more until the bag was empty, Jim, contented and unhurried, squatting on the ground, his long knees bent under him. The way in which he did this gave me infinite delight. No vagabond I had ever known ignored time and duty more complacently.

"And the doctors think him improved?" "Well, on the whole, yes, sir. "Do you think he is contented there?" "He says he is. He says it's the grand place, an' they're all as good to'm as if he was the king o' Harlem. You seen to that, sir he says. An' Sam, he's always pationate, no matter what comes, but " "Well but?" "But only just, it ain't home, you know, sir!" "I see.

At day she is contented to be on the commonplace earth; at evening she and I knock together at the one door of heaven, which opes to thanksgiving and prayer; and thanksgiving and prayer send us back, calm and hopeful, to the task that each morrow renews."

He is suffering from a malarial disease, and is subject to periods of faintness, so that it would be impossible for me to leave him for the whole morning; but he can sit outside anywhere, under a tree, or perhaps somewhere in the house if it happens to rain. He is perfectly contented if he has a comfortable place to sit in.

He also taught to each of us a trade, for the old saying is, 'A trade is no burden, but a profit. The old father wished us to keep our trades for a cloudy day, but never to forsake our own fields, and always to be contented, and plow and harrow diligently.

He rang and Joseph appeared. "Have my things taken to the Hotel de Paris," he said to my servant. And thereupon he went to his room and finished dressing. When he returned, I went up to him. "Promise me, father," I said, "that you will do nothing to give Marguerite pain?" My father stopped, looked at me disdainfully, and contented himself with saying, "I believe you are mad."

It was dangerous to cross the bridge, because German snipers occasionally fired at it, so I contented myself with looking down the river. Beyond the Bois-le-Prêtre, the next ridge to rise from the river was a grassy spur bearing the village of Norroy on its back.

"He could have slain him had he so chosen, but being as yet unused to strife and gentler hearted than I am, he contented himself by slashing his face." "And did the other two fall to your sword, Mr. Ormskirk?" "Yes; I saw that you were in sore peril, and so ran one through at the first thrust; and then seeing that my friend was well able to hold his own, came on to your aid.

"This has her body, that her mind: Which has the better bargain?" The lover, however, was not contented with this precious arrangement, as we shall soon find.

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