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"'My son, he said, 'this is a dreadful place. 'Yes, I answered, 'I fell into it; can't you help me out? 'My son, was his reply, 'I am Confucius. If you had read my books and followed what they taught, you would never have been here. 'Yes, father, I said, 'but can't you help me out? As I looked he was gone.

I have no belief in 'antic Fate." Hylda realised, with a new and poignant understanding, the difference of outlook on life between the two men. She suddenly remembered the words of Confucius, which she had set down in her little book of daily life: "By nature we approximate, it is only experience that drives us apart."

Over Confucius, or Socrates, or the Scandinavian seer, or Druid or Aztec priest? Was it highest at Athens, because there the great apostle to the Gentiles planted his feet upon it, and said, in the ears of the Grecian sophists, "Him whom ye ignorantly worship declare I unto you?"

He who proposes to go to that length should at least repeat to himself what Confucius, the great philosopher of the yellow race, said five-and-twenty centuries ago.

But, the high precepts of Confucius proving too exalted for the feeble virtue of his kingly employer, the philosopher soon left his service, and entered upon a period of travel and study, teaching the people as he went, and constantly attended by a number of disciples. His mode of illustrating his precepts is indicated in an interesting anecdote.

I ask you, what finer morality is preached to-day than was preached by Christ, by Buddha, by Socrates and Plato, by Confucius and whoever was the author of the "Mahabharata"? Good Lord, fifty thousand years ago, in our totem-families, our women were cleaner, our family and group relations more rigidly right.

We obtained a sufficient foundation for it by throwing into the slough some editions of books of morality, volumes of French philosophy and German rationalism; tracts, sermons, and essays of modern clergymen; extracts from Plato, Confucius, and various Hindoo sages together with a few ingenious commentaries upon texts of Scripture, all of which by some scientific process, have been converted into a mass like granite.

Meanwhile, if we understand each other now, I will go to work again." wrestled with this great subject, and the greatest among them have found it a worthy adversary, and one that always comes up fresh and smiling after every throw. The great Confucius said that he would rather be a profound political economist than chief of police.

"As he was journeying, one day he saw a woman weeping and wailing by a grave. Confucius inquired the cause of her grief. 'You weep as if you had experienced sorrow upon sorrow, said one of the attendants of the sage.

The toleration, fraternity, or co-mixture of the three religions ancestor-worship or Confucianism, Chinese Buddhism, and Taoism explains the compound nature of the triune head of the Chinese pantheon. This general or super-triad is, of course, composed of Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Buddha. Worship of the Living