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The English colonies were so accustomed to distrust each other that, when Virginia grew excited about French designs on the Ohio, Pennsylvania or North Carolina was as likely as not to say that it was the French who were in the right and a stupid, or excitable, or conceited, colonial governor who was in the wrong.

On the other hand, I know a large number of highly that is broadly educated persons, who are desperately dull. 'But would they have been less dull, it may be asked, 'if they were also ignorant? Yes, I believe they would. They have swallowed too much for digestions naturally weak; they have become inert, conceited, oppressive to themselves and others Prigs.

"In plain English," retorted the vicar, "you are conceited enough to think that you can succeed where the greatest lawyers in Scotland have failed. They couldn't prove this man's innocence, all working together. And you are going to prove it single-handed? Upon my word, you are a wonderful woman," cried my uncle, suddenly descending from indignation to irony.

She decidedly thought that Mistress Anne Jacobina held her head too high for her position, and was, moreover, conceited of an unfortunate amount of good looks.

He was too healthy, too vigorous of frame and frank in manner to appear conceited, but it was evident that his experience of life had encouraged a favourable estimate of his own standing and resources. The ring of his voice was sound; no affectation or insincerity marred its notes.

For some vague reason, however which, if he had stopped to define it, would have convinced him that he was disgustingly conceited Petro was moved that night, in a new-fashioned conservatory resembling a jungle, to tell Lady Eileen one or two things about himself.

"Play careful cricket, Saurin," said Robarts as he passed him; "the great thing is to keep Crawley at the wicket as long as we can." "A likely story!" he thought to himself as he strode across the turf, "to make myself a mere foil and stop-gap for that conceited brute!

I fear you think me very vain and conceited." "I should think it very strange if you were not somewhat vain. And yet you do not act as if you were." "Supposing I am vain. What difference does it make, if no one knows it?" she asked abruptly. "There are two who always will know it." "Who?" "God and yourself. And by and by all masks must be dropped, and all the world see us as we are."

You have learnt to sing, and there is no better school for a woman's soul than music and singing. If that conceited simpleton why, he is young enough to be my grandson if he talks any such nonsense to you again you may tell him from me..." "You will tell him nothing," cried Herse, "for we can have nothing whatever to do with the Christian.

And she walked forward to the carriage and took her place in it with an air that showed that she was proud of the way in which she had conducted herself. "She is a little conceited about it after all," said that unmarried lady. "If poor Mr. O'Brien had not shown so much premature anxiety with reference to that little journey to Naples, things might have gone quietly after all."