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Thus Jurgen abode for a little over two months in Cocaigne, and complied with the customs of that country. Nothing altered in Cocaigne: but in the world wherein Jurgen was reared, he knew, it would by this time be September, with the leaves flaring gloriously, and the birds flocking southward, and the hearts of Jurgen's fellows turning to not unpleasant regrets.

And Jurgen's shadow also went in with Jurgen, but in Cocaigne as in Glathion, nobody save Jurgen seemed to notice this curious shadow which now followed Jurgen everywhere.

Upon seeing this I fell into a great rage, without exactly knowing why. "This thing," I exclaimed, "is a contemptible falsehood a poor hoax the lees of the invention of some pitiable penny-a-liner, of some wretched concocter of accidents in Cocaigne. For my own part, I intend to believe nothing henceforward that has anything of the 'singular' about it."

"Poor dear, I believe it is simply because I am a monstrous clever fellow. She distrusts my cleverness, she very often disapproves of it, and yet she values it as queer, as a sort of curiosity. Well, but who can deny that cleverness is truly a curiosity in Cocaigne?"

You take all the solemnity out of it with your jeering. Besides, you are always with the children. Jurgen, I believe you are fonder of the children than you are of me. And when you are not with them you are locked up in the Library." "Well, and was there ever such a treasury as the Library of Cocaigne?

"And it is a queer crew that serve you, Anaitis, who are Queen of Cocaigne: for I can hear them talking, far back of us, and their language is all a cheeping and a twittering, as though the mice and the bats were holding conference." "Why, you must understand that these are outlanders who speak a dialect of their own, and are not like any other people you have ever seen."

And in fine, they kept at him until Jurgen was too confused to argue, and his head was in a whirl, and one thing seemed as preposterous as another: and he ceased to notice any especial improbability in his traveling with the Equinox, and so passed without any further protest or argument about it, from Cocaigne to Leuke.

With that he knocked, and the door opened, and the two of them entered. As to a Veil They Broke So it was that Jurgen came into Cocaigne, wherein is the bedchamber of Time.

In each glance an experienced gamester acknowledged a worthy opponent. "Why, then you must come with me into Cocaigne," says Anaitis, "and see if you cannot discover wherein lies that difference. For it is not a matter I would care to leave unsettled." "Well, that seems only just to you," says Jurgen. "Yes, certainly I must deal fairly with you."

For Anaitis showed him whatever was being done in Cocaigne, to this side and to that side, under the direction of Anaitis, whom Jurgen found to be a nature myth of doubtful origin connected with the Moon; and who, in consequence, ruled not merely in Cocaigne but furtively swayed the tides of life everywhere the Moon keeps any power over tides.