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La foi, l'enthousiasme, la constance de la première génération chrétienne ne s'expliquent qu'en supposant

On a certain Wednesday or Thursday she was in her Park in high spirits, showing it to the Emperor Alexander and King of Prussia; being rather heated she drank some iced water; in the evening she was worse, on Sunday she was dead, sensible to the last; talked of death, seemed perfectly resigned to use the words of a French lady, who told me many interesting particulars, "sa mort était très chrétienne."

Pour dire que le gnosticisme ou l'ebionitisme sont les formes legitimes de la pensee chretienne il faut dire hardiment qu'il n'y a pas de pensee chretienne, ni de caractere specifique qui la fasse reconnaitre.

The Political Character of Roman Christianity. The Roman Catholic "Histoire del' Église Chrétienne" shows the political character of the missionary movement in Japan, a character almost inextricably associated with the papal and other political Christianity of the times, when State and Church were united in all the countries of Europe, both Catholic and Protestant.

Woolston's Discours sur les Miracles de Jésus-Christ, translated from the English . Boulanger's Christianisme dévoilé. Freret's Examen Critique des Apologistes de la Religion Chrétienne, 1767. The Examen Impartial des Principales Religions du Monde. Baron d'Holbach's Contagion Sacrée, or l'Histoire Naturelle de la Superstition, 1768.

See M. Dideron's admirably written introduction to his Iconographie Chretienne, p. 7: "Un de mes compagnons s'etonnait de re trouver a la Panagia de St. Luc, le saint Jean Chrysostome qu'il avait dessine dans le baptistere de St. Marc, a Venise.

She told me she did not come to the town, "a cause de la foederation" "Vous etes aristocrate donc?" "Ah, mon Dieu non ce n'est pas que je suis aristocrate, ou democrate, mais que je suis Chretienne.*" *"On account of the foederation." "You are an aristocrate then, I suppose?" "Lord, no! It is not because I am an aristocrate, or a democrate, but because I am a Christian."

Histoire de la Théologie Chrétienne au Siècle Apostolique, par M. Reuss, professeur