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He inquired also about Vinicius; but the Lygian answered his inquiries unwillingly, repeating that from Vinicius himself he would hear what he needed. Speaking in this way, they passed at last the long road which separated the lodgings of the Greek from the Trans-Tiber, and found themselves before the house. Chilo's heart began to beat again unquietly.

"Let us wait here; some one may appear," replied Vinicius. "We should not be seen in the yard." At this moment, he thought Chilo's counsel practical.

O lord, there are many bad people in the world who know not how to value the benefactions of your mild rule, and those just laws in virtue of which ye take from all what they have and give it to yourselves. People will not be reconciled to the will of God!" Vinicius was too much occupied with his own thoughts to note the irony quivering in Chilo's words.

Had he even thought of Chilo's suffering he would have considered that he had acted properly in giving command to punish such a villain. But he was thinking of Lygia, and said to her: I will not pay thee with evil for good; and when thou shalt learn how I acted with him who strove to persuade me to raise hands against thee, thou wilt be grateful.

Petronius, who knew the affair from its inception, would believe in Chilo's innocence more easily than would the prefects. But to go to him, it was needful to know with certainty what had happened to Vinicius. Chilo did not know that. He had seen, it is true, the Lygian stealing with Croton's body to the river, but nothing more. Vinicius might be killed; but he might be wounded or detained.

for it was the old Greek way, as Homer here tells us, to drink one to another in course and order. So Ajax gave a share of his meat to his next neighbor. When Mnesiphilus had discoursed after this manner, in comes Chersias the poet, whom Periander had lately pardoned and received into favor upon Chilo's mediation.

To find any one in Rome was not easy, even with the most accurate directions; but in those cases the instinct of a hunter aided Ursus, and also his great knowledge of the city. After a certain time, therefore, he found himself at Chilo's lodgings. He did not recognize Chilo, however. He had seen him but once in his life before, and moreover, in the night.

The gigantic laborer, hearing this, bent down and kissed Chilo's hand. "What is thy name, brother?" inquired the Greek. "At holy baptism, father, the name Urban was given me." "Urban, my brother, hast thou time to talk with me freely?" "Our work begins at midnight, and only now are they preparing our supper." "Then there is time sufficient. Let us go to the river; there thou wilt hear my words."