United States or French Polynesia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He wants the fat cheques, and he caters for the people who can write them. Let us pursue our reflections a little farther and in a different direction, my friend," he added, glancing at his watch. "Lunch with me at the Ritz, and we will see whether the cookery, too, has been adapted to the new tastes."

The frivolous gallants, whose sole end in life is dissipation, with the objects of their licentious passion, are the readers for whom he caters. But he had overshot his mark; The Amores had been tolerated, for they had followed precedent. But even they had raised him enemies.

Churchill abruptly. Mr. Wise now got to his feet, and with a twinkle in his eye began speaking: "You've all interrupted me several times, but now I'm going to speak my piece. I think Mr. Gates is right. We do need occasionally to rethink the reason for our existence as a church, lest it become a private club that caters to our own special needs.

All the world caters to him ready-made clothing is measured to fit his figure, and it is sold cheap; the average restaurant consults his taste and his pocket; the average woman just suits him as a help-mate; he is much at home with his neighbors, most of whom diverge little from the average. Why strive to rise above the average and fall into a divine discontent?

The Whitman literature is democratic, not in the sense that it caters to the taste of the masses or to the taste of the average man; for, as a matter of fact, the masses and the average man are likely to be the last to recognize its value. The common people, the average newspaper-reading citizens, are much more likely to be drawn by the artificial and the conventional.

He caters to the needs of the elite by cozying up to the West and, in particular, to America even as he provides the lower classes with a sense of direction and security they lacked since 1985. But Putin is a serendipitous president.

I had often wished, perhaps as a matter of personal pride, just this opportunity; and here it was! "Cromwell must be nominated," said Granby in his insolent tone. He had but two tones the insolent and the cringing. "He's safe and sound. Burbank isn't trusted in the East. And we didn't like his conduct last year. He caters to the demagogues."

It is not always easy to do. Half of the people in the United States have very little idea of what the lives of the other half are like and have no special interest in knowing. "What," we asked the manager of a bookshop which caters to a large high-grade clientèle, "do you find your greatest trouble?"

In Sydney, the Herald proprietors publish the Echo, a sprightly little sheet; but the best evening paper is the Evening News, which caters for the popular taste and is somewhat sensational.

There was a pause; the accused persons looked at one another; then Marchmont had the courage to observe that the country would perhaps live through the period of calamity before it. "The country, yes, but how about some of the party?" asked Morewood. "How about that, Blair? You're supposed to be the man who feeds the ravens and providently caters for the sparrows, you know.