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Just then a figure staggered into the circle of light cast by the lantern. It was Mr. Buxton. "Good evening," he said. "Delightful weather, isn't it? Suppose we shed a little light on Carlton's path," he added calmly, holding the light to the door.

All the time we'll be getting up a tremendous candy appetite, and the minute we get outside we'll just have to make a bee-line for the first candy shop in sight and get filled up. So you must be prepared to cash in for refreshments." The corners of Mr. Carlton's mouth twisted into an enigmatic smile.

Carlton's new patron found qualities in the young American artist to admire and love, and there grew up between him and the duke a real and earnest friendship quite remarkable. "No more thanks," said the duke to him one day as they were together. "You challenge me to praise, to reward, and to love you, and I cannot help doing all three."

"You are right, Mary, and it should teach us to distrust our powers, and lead us to lean upon 'Him, who is a very precious help in time of need." A long silence ensued, broken at length by the entrance of Mrs. Carlton's two children, who carried a large basket between them.

They did, in consequence, pass to other subjects connected with Charles's reading; then they entered the house, and set to upon Polybius; but it could not be denied that for the rest of the day Carlton's manner was not quite his own, as if something had annoyed him. Next morning he was as usual. It is impossible to stop the growth of the mind.

Carlton's lips trembled. "Is it a a tumor?" He got the words out in a low, shaky voice. "I think so," replied Doctor Hillhouse. He saw the face of Mr. Carlton blanch instantly. "It presents," added the doctor, "all the indications of what we call a fibrous tumor." "Is it of a malignant type?" asked Mr. Carlton, with suspended breath.

Kershaw and Griffith, to the right of the road, suffered most. Stephen D. Lee sent forward Carlton's battery, and Kemper's guns came to its aid. They took position in front of the centre and began to answer the blue guns. A courier arrived from the skirmishers thrown out toward the dense wood. "Enemy in force and advancing, sir. Sumner and Franklin's corps, say the scouts."

By such examples, and by cordially adopting those principles which produced them, together with a daily increasing sense of my past enormities, I hope to become in time less unworthy of the wife to whom I owe my peace on earth, and my hope in heaven." The tears which had been collecting in Mrs. Carlton's eyes for some time, now silently stole down her cheeks.

When did you ride out?" "Oh, not for two months past. I've been too closely occupied with business." "Business!" there was a slight air of contempt in Carlton's voice and manner. "I hate to hear this everlasting cant, if I must so call it, about business; as if there were nothing else in the world to think or care about.

When I began, through the gradual change wrought in my views and actions, by the silent, but powerful preaching of Mrs. Carlton's example, to have less interest in believing that Christianity was false, I then applied myself to search for reasons to believe that it was true.