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From the standpoint of carbonization there seems to us but little difference between the organic elements that occupy the region, a, and those that occupy b.

Burn a piece of paper of about the size of the hand upon a clean porcelain plate, and this will serve to show the phenomena of carbonization and the formation of empyreumatic products under the action of heat. Under the burned paper there will be found a yellowish deposit which sticks to the fingers, and which consists of oil of paper produced by distillation.

The operation of carbonizing woolen rags for the purpose of obtaining pure wool, through the destruction of the vegetable substances contained in the raw material, maybe divided into two parts, viz., the immersion of the rags in acid, with subsequent washing and drying, and the carbonization properly so called.

We cannot attribute these differences to the nature of the plants converted into coal, since we have just seen that they are the same in the one case as in the other. Neither does time count for anything here, since, according to accepted ideas, the burial having been longer, the carbonization ought to have been more perfect, while the contrary is the case.

The first part is so well known, and is so simple in its details and apparatus, that it is useless to dwell upon it in this place. But the second requires more scientific arrangements than those that seem to be generally adopted, and, as carbonization is now tending to constitute a special industry, we think it is of interest to give here a typical plan for a plant of this kind.

They also fed largely on cereals, which they cultivated with success; and wheat, the grains of which were very small, was known to them. The preservation of these vegetable relics was due to carbonization. Terra-cotta vase found with the treasure of Priam. Vase found beneath the ruins of Troy.

The second would comprehend the preservation, through burial, of the organic matter in the stage of carbonization that it had reached, and as the result of compression and gradual desiccation, the development of the physical properties that we now find in the different carbonized substances. We annex to this article a number of figures made from preparations of various coals.

The lecturer then reviewed, in case of an increased demand for anthracine, the probable new sources of obtaining increased supplies of coal tar: The destructive distillation of petroleum; coke ovens and blast furnaces; the carbonization of coal for general manufacturing purposes, using the coal and gas as fuel, and giving tar, benzine, and ammonia as residues; and distillation of coal with the object of obtaining the principal products, tar and benzine, and as the residual product, gas.

We may here briefly state that the ordinary method of preparing this valuable material of manufactures is by exposing iron bars, placed in contact with roughly-granulated charcoal, to an intense heat, the process lasting for about a week, more or less, according to the degree of carbonization required.

The carbonization is effected in the following way: When the heating apparatus has been fired up, and has been operating for about half an hour, the apertures, i, are opened so as to let the air in, as are also those, m, which allow the hot air to pass into the chambers.