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Calthrop seemed to find the sort of satisfaction in confessing his sins to the world that the medieval flagellants found in scoring themselves with whips; they struck their bodies; he drew forth his soul and beat it publicly. Cleggett learned that he had set himself as a punishment and a mortification the task of obtaining his daily bread by the work of his hands.

It was his intention to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, refusing all assistance except that which he earned by manual labor. The Rev. Mr. Calthrop intimated that if he chose to accept rehabilitation on less arduous terms, he might obtain it; but the poignancy of his own sense of failure drove him to extremes.

Pett by the way, we walked to the Temple, in our way seeing one of the Russia Embassador's coaches go along, with his footmen not in liverys, but their country habits; one of one colour and another of another, which was very strange. At the Temple spoke with Mr. Turner and Calthrop, and so walked home again, being in some pain through the cold which I have got to-day by water, which troubles me.

Then Captain Calthrop broke away and danced by himself, kicking his legs up in the air. The Sisters watched him and laughed loudly. One of them could hardly control herself, and shrieking with laughter, cried: "Oh, Captain Calthrop, you really are too funny!" Captain Dowden had not joined in the merrymaking. He was standing by the table on which the corpse was lying.

Simeon Calthrop for a gospel ship. George the Greek, who married Miss Medley, shipped with the preacher in his cruise around the world, and he and his wife eventually reached Greece, as he had originally intended. Elmer went with the Rev. Mr. Calthrop to assist him in his missionary work. But it was some time before the Jasper B. sailed.

To my office, where I found all the officers of the regiments in town, waiting to receive money that their soldiers might go out of town, and what was in the Exchequer they had. Harper, Luellin, and I went to the Temple to Mr. Calthrop's chamber, and from thence had his man by water to London Bridge to Mr. Calthrop a grocer, and received 60l. for my Lord.

For a time the surgeons worked silently, amputating arms and legs, holding the bare skin between two fingers and cutting the flesh, throwing bleeding bits on to the floor, dressing and bandaging stumps and excised wounds. Captain Calthrop was grumbling at the tedium of the work when his anæsthetist lit upon a happy thought and said: "How'd you like to try your hand at giving an anæsthetic?

I am cursed with a fatal magnetism which women find it impossible to resist. And I am continually tempted to permit it to exert itself. This is the cross that I bear through life." "You should marry some good woman," said Cleggett. "I do not feel that I am worthy," said Mr. Calthrop meekly.

I rejoice to find that regular instruction in story-telling is being given in many of the institutions where the nurses are trained. Some years ago there appeared a book by Dion Calthrop called "King Peter," which illustrates very fully the effect of story-telling.

Miss Henrietta Pringle was following. Cleggett gathered that the niece left reluctantly, and under the coercion of the aunt. Miss Pringle the elder was about to join the Rev. Mr. Calthrop in the trench. Morality, as well as misery, loves company. But Mr. Calthrop saw the Misses Pringle coming. He swiftly rose, passed them by with his face averted, and went aboard the Annabel Lee.