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They can never keep it up, you know." "Much you know," said the Waters. "Over you go, old man. You can take the full head of us now. Those new steel axle-straps of yours can stand anything. Come along, Raven's Gill, Harpenden, Callton Rise, Batten's Ponds, Witches' Spring, all together! Let's show these gentlemen how to work!" "But but I thought it was a decoration.

Oh, while I think of it, what's the news from Callton Rise?" "The waters are finding their level as usual but why do you ask?" said the deep outpouring Waters. "Because Mangles and Felden and the Miller are talking of increasing the plant here and running a saw-mill by electricity. I was wondering whether we " "I beg your pardon," said the Waters chuckling. "What did you say?"

"And Harpenden Brook is north of Raven's Gill and runs into Raven's Gill at the foot of Callton Rise, where ilex trees are, and we come from there!" These were the glassy, clear waters of the high chalk. "And Batten's Ponds, that are fed by springs, have been led through Trott's Wood, taking the spare water from the old Witches' Spring under Churt Haw, and we we we are their combined waters!"

Now, who the dooce did Jenkins keep? ... In the hundred of Callton is one charcoal-burner irreligiosissimus homo a bit of a rip but a thorough sportsman. Ibi est ecclesia. Non multum.

It is almost navigable, and we come from there away." They slid over solid and compact till the Wheel thudded under their weight. "Raven's Gill Brook," said the Rat. "I never heard of Raven's Gill." "We are the waters of Harpenden Brook down from under Callton Rise. Phew! how the race stinks compared with the heather country."

Another five foot of water flung itself against the Wheel, broke, roared, gurgled, and was gone. "Indeed," said the Grey Cat, "I am sorry to tell you that Raven's Gill Brook is cut off from this valley by an absolutely impassable range of mountains, and Callton Rise is more than nine miles away. It belongs to another system entirely."