United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They say he's writing a book to show that a diet of mummies is the best for fighting men and so the quarrels go on. By the way, I just stopped a piece of news that might have interested you. Do you know that you have suppressed the Declaration of Independence?" "Nonsense. I haven't seen a copy of it in two years." "Well, here's a despatch that I got away from the cable-office just in time.

On the night of July 2d, a thousand lies, a thousand rumors, a thousand prophecies rolled through the streets of Port Antonio, were filed at the cable-office, and flashed to the bulletin-boards of New York City.

The "World" man frowned and stammered, and then, taking Channing by the arm, hurried with him toward the cable-office. "Charlie, I think they're crazy up there," he began, "they think they know it all. Here I am on the spot, but they think " "You mean they won't have me," said Channing. "But why?" he asked, patiently. "They used to give me all the space I wanted."

My telephone rang, and I hastened to answer it, expecting orders from the cable-office, and hoping that London had decided, after all, to send me after the Baltic fleet to the south, rather than to Hong-Kong. "Is this Mr. Trenholm? This is the steamship office, Mr. Trenholm. We wish to inform you that the Kut Sang has been delayed until to-morrow morning for cargo which did not get in to-day.

His limbs were hot and heavy and refused to support him, his bones burned like quicklime. The next morning, with the fever still upon him, he hurried restlessly between the wharves and the cable-office, seeking for news. There was much of it; it was great and trying news, the situation outside of Santiago was grim and critical.

He had started to do so; but, remembering that he had told Krool to come at twelve o'clock if any cables arrived, that he might go himself to the cable-office, if necessary, and reply, he passed from the hallway into a little room off the card-room, where there was a sofa, and threw himself down to rest and think.

"A cable-office!" he cried to the cabby. "Hurry!" Once there he telephoned down-town and secured Sandford's cable address. Then he filled out a blank which cost him ten dollars. Late that night at the club he received his reply. It was terse. You are crazy. House absolutely empty. Hillard made an inexcusably careless shot. It was under his hand to have turned an even forty on his string.