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Well, the very next day after Buster's impertinence to his mother a worker called Peevish Peggy stopped and spoke to him as he sat on a clover-head. "If I were you I wouldn't come near the clover patch," she said. "You know the Robber Fly often prowls about on the ground.

"You and Buster can finish your pleasure trip a little at a time, but I have business to look after and a house to hire before the rest of the family catch up with us." He started off at a brisk pace. Buster sat on the front seat and nibbled ginger cookies, while Limpy-toes limped back to find the lost key. By-and-by, Buster's cookies were all eaten, so he strolled off to help Limpy-toes.

His answer to Buster's question was always the same: "I'm afraid my house won't be finished to-morrow." It is not surprising that the Carpenter's answer failed to satisfy Buster Bumblebee. "I really must know when my house will be ready!" he cried at last. "I've invited all my friends to a house-warming. And how can I have one unless I have a house to warm?" The Carpenter slowly shook his head.

Grand-daddy Whiskers came puffing up to the attic with a pan of warm biscuits under his arm. Mother Graymouse looked relieved, for Grand-daddy was quite a doctor. "What shall I do for the poor child, Grand-daddy?" she asked. "What has he been eating?" was Grand-daddy's first question as he bent over Buster's bed.

"'Tisn't likely she's there, though. She'd never travel afoot that long distance, and Buster's in the stable." The Winklers received him with gloom. The hilarious gayety that had once distinguished their small household had vanished with the loss of Elsa's money.

Bumper had never heard anything like it in his life. While he stood off at a safe distance watching, a bumblebee lighted on Buster's nose and tickled it. The bear brushed it off with a paw, and rolled over to renew his sleep. But, unfortunately for Buster, he whacked the bee so hard that he must have hurt it. Anyway, the bumblebee resented it, and gave him a sharp sting on the nose.

And a terrible-tempered relation of Buster's known as Peppery Polly darted at Johnnie Green and buried her sting deep in the back of that young gentleman's sun-browned neck. As for the Carpenter, everybody quite forgot about him. Johnnie and the twins were too busy putting mud poultices on their wounds, to ease their aches and pains, to think of the prisoner they had left on the farmhouse porch.

Harriet remained outside while Grace was getting herself back to bed, but the former darted in quickly upon hearing a crash in the cabin, followed by a scream from Margery. Tommy had stumbled against Buster's bed and fallen across it and on the sleeping stout girl.

Yet so it was, and Buster's short whinny of welcome had been a real one. For John, on Moses, and Ninian, on Nimrod, had lost but little time in riding to the mesa; though because of the reporter's poor horsemanship, the carpenter felt that they would really save time by taking the longer level road around by the north, and not the narrow canyon trail, which was dangerous for the inexperienced.

Ladybug was somewhat of a gossip in a pleasant enough way. Being much interested in her neighbors, she liked to talk about their affairs. And now she told everyone that Buster Bumblebee was going to have a fine new house, and that the Carpenter was going to build it for him. Naturally, Buster's friends all told him that they were glad to hear of his good fortune.