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Why, some days it's been so's I'd feel's if I'd bust if I didn't do suthin' suthin' to let off steam." The young man nodded. "You ought to be an artist. That's the way they feel some of them." Uncle William beamed on him. "You don't say so! Must be kind o' hard work, settin' still and doin' art when you feel like that. I gen'ally go clammin', or suthin'." The artist laughed out, boyishly.

It is proper enough that the unveiling of the bust of William Morris should approximate to a public festival, for while there have been many men of genius in the Victorian era more despotic than he, there have been none so representative.

"You would not have me come into the City this morning. D n it, you don't mean that you " "I'm bust!" Trent said roughly. "Is that plain enough? I've been bulling on West Australians, and they boomed and this afternoon the Government decided not to back us at Bekwando, and the mines are to be shut down. Tell you all about it if you like." No one wanted to hear all about it.

Their object is always evident in their eyes, which rove from man to man pathetically, pleadingly, anxiously, mischievously, according to their temperaments, but always with the same inquiry: "Will it be you?" This girl had made herself by tight-lacing into a notable specimen of the peg-top figure, bulgy at the bust and shoulders, and tapering off at the waist.

And, wedged between the grim white bust and the dark bookcase, the girl herself was like some unlawful spirit which had slid in there, and stood trembling and vibrating, ready to be shuttered out. Before this apparition Hilary recoiled towards the door, hesitated, and returned. "You should not have come here," he muttered, "after what we said to you yesterday."

"Nine dollar," he will answer always. We are sure of it. We have observed this peculiarity in the busters frequently. No matter how large or small the bust may be, the first price is invariably "nine dollar." If you decline paying this price, as you undoubtedly will if you are right in your head, he again asks, "how much giv-ee?"

The contour of the face, without being sharp or angular, had yet lost a little of the roundness of earlier youth; and the hand on which she leaned was, perhaps, even too white, too delicate, for the beauty which belongs to health; but the throat and bust were of exquisite symmetry. "I am not happy," murmured Eugenie to herself; "yet I scarce know why.

The arms then were worn bare almost to the shoulder, and Lucretia's arms were not more faultless in shape than dazzling in their snowy colour; the stately neck, the falling shoulders, the firm, slight, yet rounded bust, all would have charmed equally the artist and the sensualist.

"Guy's had a breakdown, sure," said the first of the thick-necks. "Surest thing you know," agreed his colleague. "Seems to me the tyre's punctured," said the Kid. All three concentrated their gaze on the machine "Kid's right," said thick-neck number one. "Guy's been an' bust a tyre." "Surest thing you know," said thick-neck number two.

Gibson, who made several statues of the Queen, say that loyalty itself need not to flatter her arms or bust; in sculpture or painting, as they were really remarkably beautiful." In 1868 the Queen had the misfortune to lose her "dearest Duchess" that grandest daughter of the grand house of Howard, the Duchess of Sutherland.