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"A follerin' burrd," he said. I got up, and looked across the blue field we were ploughing into white furrows. Far away a tiny sail scarred the great solitude, and astern came a gull flying slowly close to the water's breast. Daddy Whiddon waved his pipe towards it. "A follerin' burrd," he said, again; and again I waited; questions were not grateful to him.

"It's like a wild burrd," he added, after listening a few moments. "The pore thing. An' it's loike a wild burrd she is," said Mrs. Carroll pityingly. "Left alone so soon afther comin' to this sthrange counthry. It's a useless man altogether, is that ould Prospector." Carroll's face darkened. "Useless!" he exclaimed wrathfully, "he's a blank ould fool, crazy as a jack rabbit!

She was not left long in peace to enjoy it that afternoon, however, for the farrier was at work in his garden below, and presently he looked up and saw the magpie. "There ye are agin, Miss Beth, wi' yer baste of a burrd; bad luck to it!" he exclaimed, crossing himself. "Shure, don't I tell ye ivery day uf your life it's wan fur sorrow." "Bad luck to yerself, Pat Murphy," Beth rejoined promptly.

And 't was a climb for the poor little crayture, but there was days when she'd come down it like a burrd to meet her Pa." Dickie had faltered, white and empty-hearted, before the kindly Irishwoman who remembered so vividly Sheila's downward, winged rush of welcome.

I knowed wan iv thim gun twirlers wanst. He was a burrd pluggin' tomatty cans an' such a fair wonder he was. But wan day he starts to make a pinwheel iv his finger forninst a stranger he mistakes fer a tindherfut, an' he gets th' face iv him blowed in be a derringer from that same stranger's coat pocket." "Sure," McHale agreed. "It was comin' to him. He should have stuck to tomatter cans.

"There be a carpse there, sure enough, a carpse driftin' and shiftin' on the floor of the sea. There be those as can't rest, poor sawls, and her'll be mun, her'll be mun, and the sperrit of her is with the burrd." The clumsy boom swung across as we changed our course, and the water ran from us in smooth reaches on either side: the bird flew steadily on. "What will the spirit do?" I said.