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When these strike-out twirlers go to pieces, they're liable to blow up completely. The boys will pound him before the game is over." "I hope they do," fabricated Roy. "If Springer only keeps steady," continued his seatmate, "it will be all right; but I'm just a little bit afraid of Phil, for he lacks the heart to stand punishment. If they get to hitting him well, Eliot will have to try Grant."

This saved the wages of the egg twirlers, whose method of candling eggs, as it was called, was far less rapid than the Separator. And when I learned that one house in St. Louis alone twirled 50,000 eggs in a day, the possible profits of the Egg Trust became clear to me. But they were not so clear to Ethel. She said that you could not monopolise hens.

It remained to be seen how the twirlers would "pan out" under fire. At present Mr. Leonard was working strenuously, trying to put more "ginger" into their work; and also teaching them some of the wrinkles of the game, as known to semi-professionals like himself. Greatly to the surprise as well as delight of Owen Dugdale, he had been notified that he was to cover short.

"Oh, William, don't try that game on us! " burst out Stanley. "We know that you have been practicing pitching for the past two months; that you took lessons from one of the greatest ball twirlers in the Western League. Of course, we understand that you wanted to surprise us; and I must confess, it is a surprise."

I knowed wan iv thim gun twirlers wanst. He was a burrd pluggin' tomatty cans an' such a fair wonder he was. But wan day he starts to make a pinwheel iv his finger forninst a stranger he mistakes fer a tindherfut, an' he gets th' face iv him blowed in be a derringer from that same stranger's coat pocket." "Sure," McHale agreed. "It was comin' to him. He should have stuck to tomatter cans.