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When this species of summons was made the officer inquired aloud the point of the brig's departure, its route, its landings; and to all these questions the captain replied without difficulty and without hesitation.

He took in the sprit of the sail as Una rounded the boat under the brig's stern. A rope was flung to them and made fast. Another rope, a stouter one, was lowered to Neal. Una seized it and climbed up. Willing hands caught her, lifted her over the bulwarks, and set her on the deck. "Am I to ferry you across, too, young lady?" asked Captain Getty. "Yes," said Una, "I am going with you."

Methought that the stars were blinking bright, And the old brig's sails unfurled Down came the loud pedal, and the unrestrained cry swelled out across a bed of tritomas consuming in their own fires When I said I will sail to my love this night On the other side of the world. I have no music, but the voice drew.

I was soon certain that escape from such a racer by sailing, was altogether out of the question. The land and light were now close aboard us, and I expected every moment to hear the brig's keel grinding on the bottom. At this instant I caught a faint glimpse of a vessel at anchor to the eastward of the point, and apparently distant about a quarter of a mile.

She then boldly demanded the forecastle in the brig's case, by far the pleasantest end of the ship for her own independent suite of apartments. As for hapless Belisarius, he might do what he pleased in his dark little den of a cabin.

So saying, and without awaiting Elvira's reply, Blackbeard immediately left the cabin. 'Lower away the boat there, thundered forth the pirate, as he gained the brig's quarter deck.

Accordingly I sent the people on to the fore-yard, and also on the fore-topsail yard, which was hoisted right up, some with palm needles and others with earings and lashings. It was a moment of intense interest. I kept the brig's head directly for the sail. We approached it rapidly; it was over the bowsprit end.

His arms hung down, and he stood before the table staring like a man overcome by some fatal intelligence. Shaw, going into the waist to receive what he thought was one of the brig's boats, came against Carter making his way aft hurriedly. "Hullo! Is it you again?" he said, swiftly, barring the way. "I come from the yacht," began Carter with some impatience.

The shock of collision, slight as it was, caused the two vessels to recoil from each other, and they were barely alongside when they separated again; George's manipulation of the brig's wheel, and a similar manipulation of the Aurora's helm at the last moment before the touching of the two vessels, greatly expediting the separation.

What could be more terrible for the colonists than to be exposed, at a short distance, to the brig's guns, without being able to reply with any effect? How could they then prevent the pirates from landing? Cyrus Harding felt this strongly, and he asked himself what it would be possible to do. Before long, he would be called upon for his determination. But what was it to be?