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"My dear, it isn't Julia" Lady Agnes spoke earnestly. "Every one wants you. Haven't you heard from your people? Didn't you know the seat was vacant?" Nick was looking round the table to see what was on it. "Upon my word I don't remember. What else have you ordered, mother?" "There's some boeuf braisé, my dear, and afterwards some galantine. Here's a dish of eggs with asparagus-tips."

Press slightly between two dishes; when cold, remove all skin, fat, and gristle; cut up very fine a small carrot, a turnip, and an onion; put them in a stewpan with the sweetbreads, pour over them a pint of stock, lay a piece of buttered paper over them, and braise carefully for half an hour.

Dish with its own gravy. This eats well with spinach, endive, sorrel or carrots. are garnished with potatoes and mushrooms, and the sauce is made of demi- glaze and madeira, worked up with butter, pepper, salt and chopped parsley. Cut your veal into fairly thick cutlets, lard them with fat bacon, and braise them in the oven, with salt, pepper and butter.

Grill some slices of fat veal; cook some sliced tomatoes with butter, pepper and salt, on a flat dish in a pretty quick oven. Garnish the veal with the tomatoes laid on top of each slice, and pour maitre- d'hotel butter over, made with butter, salt, chopped parsley, and lemon-juice. A fillet of veal, larded with fat bacon, of about three pounds. Braise it one and one-half hours on a moderate fire.

Braise this galantine for six hours in stock, which may be made of a small knuckle of veal and the bones and trimmings. Vegetables as directed for chicken galantine. Let the galantine be cold before it is untied. Garnish and glaze as directed for chicken. Galantine is occasionally made of sucking pig, and is very popular in France. The pig must be carefully boned, all but the head and feet.

When you find them of a fit consistence, with a fine clear gelly, mingled with the Cherries, take the preserving pan from the fire, and braise the Cherries with the back of your preserving spoon; and when they are of a fit temper of coolness, pot them up. Peradventure, to keep all the year, there may be requisite a little more Sugar.

I've not a word to suggest as against any idea of hers." "We mustn't sit here too long, there'll be so much to do," said Lady Agnes anxiously, perceiving a certain slowness in the service of the boeuf braisé.

There must be fillets or strips of rabbit or chicken, a few chopped truffles and olives. Mix well. Lay in the fillets as you stuff the pig, and when full sew up the opening. Try to keep the shape as near as possible. Then braise slowly for four to five hours, as directed for galantine of veal. Do not remove the cloth till it is cold.

Put a little water, or, for choice, clear stock, upon the roasting-dish and pour it over the fillet. Braise three pounds of beef upon twenty little onions, ten mushrooms, and two glasses of red wine, salt, pepper, thyme and bay-leaf; cook for one and one-half hours with not too hot a fire.

After that, place the beef on an oval dish; keep it hot; stir two tablespoonfuls of demi-glaze into the vegetables and let it boil up. Cut some slices of the beef, and strain the sauce over all. Braise a tongue with two glasses of Madeira, one carrot, one onion, thyme, bay-leaf, for two hours.