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I seize the telegram, which has been waiting for me for some days. Is it a reply to my wire sent from Merv, relative to the mandarin Yen Lou? I open it. I read it. And it falls from my hand. This is what it said: "Claudius Bombarnac, "Correspondent, "Twentieth Century. "Khotan, Chinese Turkestan.

Bombarnac," said Ephrinell to me, "are you serious in regretting all those fine things?" "Quite serious," I reply. "With the advantages of the straight line of railway we lose the picturesqueness of the curved line, or the broken line of the highways of the past. And, Monsieur Ephrinell, when you read of traveling in Transcaucasia forty years ago, do you not regret it?

"Not in the least, Monsieur Bombarnac; all I know is the name on the luggage." "What is that?" "The younger man's name is Pan-Chao, the elder's is Tio-King. Probably they have been traveling in Europe for some years. As to saying where they come from, I cannot. I imagine that Pan-Chao belongs to some rich family, for he is accompanied by his doctor." "This Tio-King?" "Yes, Doctor Tio-King."

"Well, Monsieur Bombarnac, I am afraid you will be disappointed, as I have heard that the company has treated several chiefs of the robber bands " "As the Greek Government treated Hadji Stavros in About's romance." "Precisely; and who knows that if in their wisdom " "I don't believe it." "Why not?

My good fortune furnished me with a companion, or I should rather say a guide, in Major Noltitz. Our acquaintance was made very simply. The major came up to me, and I went up to him as soon as we set foot on the platform of the railway station. "Sir," said I, "I am a Frenchman, Claudius Bombarnac, special correspondent of the Twentieth Century, and you are Major Noltitz of the Russian army.

"If it is true that the company had to take several of these robber chiefs into its confidence to assure the safety of the trains " "I will never believe that, major." "As you please, Monsieur Bombarnac. But assuredly Faruskiar knew that this pretended mortuary van contained millions." "Come, major, this is no time for joking."

"I am in no hurry," I reply; "after this foggy day, spent inside the car, I am glad of a breath of fresh air. Where does the train stop next?" "At Fuen-Choo, when it has passed the junction with the Nanking line." "Good night, Popof." "Good night, Monsieur Bombarnac." I am alone.

And can you believe that I, a journalist " "You are a journalist?" "Claudius Bombarnac, special correspondent of the Twentieth Century." "A French journal " "Yes, I tell you." "And you are going to Pekin?" "Through to Pekin." "Ah! Monsieur Bombarnac, Providence has sent you onto my road."

It is not at Pekin that I hope to marry Miss Bluett!" "Where, then? At Sou Tcheou or Lan Tcheou, while we stop a few hours?" "Wait a bit, Monsieur Bombarnac! Can a Yankee wait?" "Then it is to be " "Here." "In the train?" "In the train." "Then it is for me to say, Wait a bit!" "Not twenty-four hours." "But to be married you require "

"My Zinca my dear Zinca!" he exclaims, pressing the girl to his heart. "My Kinko my dear Kinko!" she replies, while her tears mingle with his. "Monsieur Bombarnac!" says the poor fellow, appealing for my intervention. "Kinko," I reply, "take it coolly, and depend on me. You are alive, and we thought you were dead." "But I am not much better off!" he murmurs. Mistake!