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And suddenly in his mental vision the walls of the room seemed to fade, and he was only conscious of a vastness of space, and knew that for this brief moment he was looking into eternity and realising for the first time the wonder of things. Meanwhile Verisschenzko had returned to the Carlton and was softly walking down the passage towards the Boleskis' rooms.

He happened to be standing at the door when the Boleskis were announced, and his light eyes devoured Harietta she seemed to him the ideal of things feminine and he immediately took steps to be presented. Assurance was one of his strongest cards. He was a fair man with the fairness of a Turk not European and there was something mean and chetive in his regard.

Amaryllis had been to Harietta's dinners and dances, and now the Boleskis had been asked down to Ardayre in return for the three days at the end of the month, when the coming of age of the young Marquis of Bridgeborough would give occasion for great rejoicings, and Amaryllis herself would give a ball.

Afterwards, as they went out, they passed the Boleskis close, and the two rose and spoke to Verisschenzko, with empressement. He introduced Captain Ardayre and they talked for a few minutes, Harietta Boleski all smiles and flattering cajoleries now and then they said good-night and went out.

And if he dreamed, he would not believe such insenses are men!" Meanwhile the Boleskis had arrived at the hotel of the Duchesse di Montivacchini, that rich and ravishing American-Italian, who gave the most splendid and exclusive entertainments in Paris. So, too, had arrived Sir John and Lady Ardayre, brought on from the dinner at the Ritz by Verisschenzko.

A week after they had come up to Brook Street, the Boleskis arrived at the Mount Lennard House which they had taken in Grosvenor Square, armed with every kind of introduction, and Harietta immediately began to dazzle the world. Her dresses and jewels defied all rivalry; they were in a class alone, and she was frank and stupid and gracious and fitted in exactly with the spirit of the time.