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They manage to preserve an absolutely wooden appearance at a time when one would expect a race so volatile to display its emotions freely. Elopements sometimes take place and are called the boda Americana, or American marriage. However, they have the advantage of us in one kind of elopement that of the widow.

Se enamorarán pues, sin cuidado, seguras de que hacia el fin de su boda se ha de descubrir la riqueza del marido, así como creían que debían salir por la ventana por decirlo las novelas. A pesar de estas observaciones, que no podemos menos de hacer, nos complacemos en repetir que es mayor la suma de las bellezas que la de los defectos de la comedia.

When the two ceremonies take place at the same time it must be in the morning, because the bride and bridegroom partake of the Holy Sacrament fasting. From the description of a boda in Galicia, in one of Pardo Bazan's novels, it would seem that the bride there wears white, even at the church.

Manners and Social Condition of Filipino Girls Sentimental Boy Lovers Love-making by Proxy How Courtship is Usually Performed Premature Adolescence of Filipino Youth The Boda Americana Filipino Girls Are Coquettes, But Not Flirts Exposure of Filipino Girls to Unchaste Conversation Unceasing Watchfulness over Girls Progressive Changes in All the Above Matters.

Anímase don Eduardo a pedir la mano de Matilde a don Pedro, quien gustosísimo se la concede, pero en el momento de convenir en tan deseado enlace, sabe la heroína que don Eduardo no es pobre, nota que no hay en esta boda los obstáculos que en las de sus novelas ha leído, desama de pronto a quien tanto amó y despide a don Eduardo.

At once we surmised a wedding breakfast, not more from the gaiety than the gravity of the guests; and the head waiter confirmed our impression: it was indeed a boda. The party was just breaking up, and as we sat down at our table the wedding guests rose from theirs.