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He was accompanied to the scene of the murder by his inveterate companion, fellow worker, and secretary, Dukovski, a tall young fellow of twenty-six. "Is it possible, gentlemen?" cried Chubikoff, entering Psyekoff's room, and quickly shaking hands with everyone. Is it possible? Marcus Ivanovitch? Murdered? No! It is impossible! Im-poss-i- ble! "Go in there!" sighed the inspector.

Ah! could the two great parties, that divide the state, only lay their heads together for a short time, and carry out that beautiful principle that Scribe announces in one of his vaudevilles: “Que le blé se vend chèr, et le pain bon marché.”

One of the children explains why one of the awkward birds wears a clumsy triangular collar of wood, with a stake apparently driven through its throat, "to prevent it from going through the fences;" and when one of the strangers, imitating the waddling gait of the creatures, improvises, Bon soir, Madame Oie, Veux tu le blé? Il est

When once the agitation rose to fever heat, the cry of "Marchons" was heard, and the mob set itself in motion down every street. A few hours afterwards masses of workmen from the quartiers Popincourt, Quinze-Vingts de la Grève, Port au Blé, and the Marché St. Jean, poured from the rues du Faubourg St. Antoine, and covered the Place de la Bastille.

I am a honest British workman, and employ ment I cannot ob tain. You sit in your com for ta ble 'ouses, and I ask you to ass ist a fellow creature, driven to this for no fault of his own for many can 'elp one where one cannot 'elp many." Then he hove into sight a gastropodous tub of a fellow, with a rascally red eye; and I shrank behind my curtains, for I never court parley with such gentlemen.

J'offre ces violettes, Ces lis & ces fleurettes, Et ces roses icy, Ces vermeillettes roses Sont freschement ecloses, Et ces oelliets aussi. De vostre doulce haleine, Eventez ceste plaine Eventez ce sejour; Ce pendant que j'ahanne A mon ble que je vanne A la chaleur du jour. *A graceful translation of this and some other poems of the Pleiad may be found in Ballads and Lyrics of old France, by Mr.

A pauper of this description, who shared his daily bread with his faithful companion, being urged to part with an animal that cost him so much to maintain: "Part with him!" rejoined he; "who then shall I get to love me?" Near the Halle au Ble, stands a large fluted pillar of the Doric order, which formerly belonged to the Hotel de Soissons, and served as an observatory to Catherine de Medicis.