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We do not regret that the pert dogs have imparted speed to our horses' heels; a swift, exhilarating gallop brings us in sight of a large, comfortable house, perched like a bird-box in the hills; then others are discerned; and in a few more bounds, we are at the gate.

Then he looked up at the bird-box and reaching his hands far above his head, grasped the pole firmly and drew his body a few inches, upward. Clinging tightly with his legs to retain the slight elevation he had acquired, he moved his hands farther along the pole, and then drew himself higher up.

There you might have seen a small stone cottage with a two-arched arcade in front, gleaming brilliantly white out of the dusky foliage of an orange-orchard. The dwelling was wedged like a bird-box between two fragments of rock, and behind it the land rose rocky, high, and steep, so as to form a natural wall.

Here he sat for some minutes looking around him and enjoying the prospect. On the end of the back building was fastened a strong pole, running up into the air some ten feet. On the top of this pole was a bird-box, in which a pair of pigeons had their nest.

I tried to save him for his own sake, Ruth, truly, as truly as for her sake and ours; and I wanted to save his work with him, his church, his and hers; so much of it is hers. Oh, Ruth, I love that little bird-box, spite of all its spunky beliefs and twittering complacencies. I wanted to save it and him; and over and over there has seemed such good ground of hope in him.

While crossing the bridge, February 22, I was surprised to notice two of them sitting upon a bird-box over the draw, which just then stood open for the passage of a tug-boat. The toll-gatherer told me they had come "from some place" eight or ten days before. His attention had been called to them by his cat, who was trying to get up to the box to bid them welcome.

The Purple Martin Length seven and a half inches. Upper parts shining blue-black, not quite so glossy on the wings and forked tail. Under parts the same as the upper in the male, but grayish-white in the female and young ones. Song rich and musical, of two or three flute-like notes. Nest made of a few leaves or straws, in a bird-box when it is provided otherwise in a hollow tree.

Yet the Song Sparrow sings throughout the year, except in the storms of February and March not always the varied spring song, but still a sweet little tune. "The Song Sparrow is humble and retiring about the location of his nest, usually putting it on or near the ground; though of course some pairs may have ideas of their own about nest-building, and choose a bird-box or even a hole in a tree.

At one corner write down the date and the name of the leaf. Bird-boxes You can win honours in Woodcraft if you make a successful bird-box. That is one made by yourself, and used by some bird to raise its brood in. There are three kinds of birds that are very ready to use the nesting places you make. These are the Robin, Wren, and Phoebe.

The bushes and trees were all untrimmed, and the old house with its shingled sides and coast-backed roof was covered with a trumpet-creeper and some grape vines. "What a lovely place for Hummingbirds!" cried Olive. "And Martins," added the Doctor, pointing to a bird-box with ten or twelve divisions in it, that was fastened under the eaves.