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You who turn your burning eyes upon these words words that I trace Ah, Heaven! the thought maddens me. I will be calm. I will imitate the reserve of the festive Englishman, who wears a spotted handkerchief which he calls a Belchio, who eats biftek, and caresses a bulldog. I will subdue myself like him. Ha! Poto-beer! All right Goddam!

Then came a large fish, name unknown, the inevitable bouilli and cabbage, côtelettes aux pommes, biftek aux champignons, succeeded by crabs and other shellfish, including wurrali, a delicate-flavoured kind of lobster, an omelette aux abricots, and dessert of tropical fruits. We were also supplied with good wine, both red and white, and bottled beer.

I will imitate the reserve of the festive Englishman, who wears a spotted handkerchief which he calls a Belchio, who eats biftek, and caresses a bulldog. I will subdue myself like him. Ha! Poto-beer! All right Goddam! Or, I will conduct myself as the free-born American the gay Brother Jonathan. I will whittle me a stick.

He had got it into his garlic-sodden brain that all Englishmen live on beef, and nothing but beef. He swept aside all my suggestions as though they had been the prattlings of a foolish child. "You haf nice biftek. Not at all done. Yes?" "No, I don't," I answered. "I don't want what the cook of a French provincial hotel calls a biftek. I want something to eat.

We toasted his admirable wife, we toasted the two republics; Lafayette, Rochambeau, and Chateaubriand. "Ah, le biftek!" said M. Leboucher.

George, "and let them have it ready for us when we get back from our walk." "Yes, sir," said James. "And what will you have?" "Biftek aux pommes," said Mr. George, "and coffee. And let them give us some of their best cheese." This is a very favorite breakfast in France, and every where, in fact, throughout Europe. Mr.

They were waited upon at the table by the young woman who had so many golden ornaments in her hair; and besides the biftek aux pommes, and the coffee, and the hot milk, and the nice butter, there was the half of one of the round cheeses, such as they had seen in process of making at the dairy. After finishing their breakfast, Mr.

There was also a savoury omelette, so good that Tom asked for a second; when, to our astonishment, there appeared a plump roast fowl, with most artistic gravy and fried potatoes. Then came a biftek aux champignons, and some excellent coffee to wind up with.

They stared at David a good deal during the biftek, the black pudding which seemed to be a staple dish of the establishment, and the omelette aux fines herbes, which the landlord's wife had added in honour of the stranger. One of them, behind the shelter of his glasses, drew the outline of the Englishman's head and face on the table-cloth, and showed it to his neighbour.

And yet, such is the irresistible impulse in Italians to say something immediately agreeable, he fed us with false hopes and had no fear of consequences. What did it matter to him if we were pulling out our watches and chattering in well-contented undertone about vino nobile, biftek, and possibly a pollo arrosto, or a dish of tordi?