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Soon after Selene's martyrdom dame Hannah quitted Besa; the office of Superior of the Deaconesses at Alexandria was intrusted to her, and she exercised it with much blessing till an advanced age. Mary, the deformed girl, remained behind in the Nile-port, which under Hadrian was extended into the magnificent city of Antmoe. There were there two graves from which she could not bear to part.

"And the handkerchief for the Regent?" asked the little man. "He wishes to speak to you about the matter which you know of with regard to Paaker. What is it?" "Do not ask," replied Nemu, "I ought not to betray it. By Besa, who protects us dwarfs, it is better that thou shouldst never know it." "For to-day I have learned enough that is new to me," retorted Katuti.

I have much to give thee; not any other monarch hath so much as I to give his queen. And yet I ask only thy love in return." This was earnest wooing, which contained nothing that she might flout. So she strained away from him and sulked. Again he laughed. "Khem and Athor and Besa have combed my heart and created a being of the desires they found therein!

"Then my wickedness is small too," said the dwarf laughing, "for I am little enough! Good morning, girls may Besa help your beauty. Good day, mother you sent for me?" The old woman nodded; the dwarf perched himself on the chest beside her, and they began to whisper together. "How dusty and tired you are," said Hekt. I do believe you have come on foot in the burning sun."

If you wanted to voyage dere, f'r instance, you'd 'ave ter get a promise o' peace, a 'Besa' they calls it, from one of dese tough fellers, and he makes 'imself responsible to end any feller wat disturbs you; 'e can post a babby along o' you and so long as the kiddie's wid yer nobody'll touch you. Dats so, Mister Jim, you bleeve me.