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Yet before this court Abbé de Foere was summoned for having defended in the Spectateur Beige the jugement doctrinal of Bishop de Broglie, and he was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. The penalties remained, but the court consisted of a judge and four assessors, all government nominees.

On the opening of the École Beige d'Infirmières Diplomées, Brussels, in 1907, she was appointed matron of the school. She went there with a view to introduce into Belgium British methods of nursing and of training nurses. Those who knew Miss Cavell were impressed by her strength of character and unflinching devotion.

"Go in the bedroom and strip to your underwear. Kneel on the floor with your hands on the bed." She sipped her wine. He did as he was told and waited. There was a beige shag carpet under his knees, a pale pink bedspread under his arms. Jacky went into the bathroom and came out a few minutes later wearing a red cotton nightshirt, open in front.

You will find it laid out upon the bed in your room, and if you would be so good as to put it on we should both be extremely obliged. "The dress which I found waiting for me was of a peculiar shade of blue. It was of excellent material, a sort of beige, but it bore unmistakable signs of having been worn before. It could not have been a better fit if I had been measured for it. Both Mr. and Mrs.

So here I am, Mamma, writing to you up in my room, dressed in that horrid beige linen that we chose at night, and I shan't go down till déjeûner is ready, pouf! I can hear a carriage coming, I must go to the window. Yes, it is the fiancé, accompanied by his mother and aunt. He is nice-looking, except that he has got a silly fair beard. I can hear them arriving in the hall; such a lot of talking!

"Oh, that's all right, sir," said Monroe, hastily, "but I guess we'll have to hurry." "I remember, Monroe, that your major and you would have sent me out of this, but you know well enough that there's only one place for me to-night, and the question is, where is the battalion Ypres Barracks, Chateau Beige, Zillebeck, or where?"

Now imitate the flower colours by objets d'art so judiciously placed that in a trice you will admire what you once found cold. As if by magic, a white, cream, beige or grey room may be transformed into a smiling bower, teeming with personality, a room where wit and wisdom are spontaneously let loose.