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I felt that these wuz extraordinary preparations, but didn't begrech 'em, part on 'em wuz on Faith's account. Well, as I say, the preparations wuz all completed the day before exceptin' the coffee and creamed potatoes, and them wuz accomplised early in the mornin' while I wuz gittin' breakfast, and we all sot off triumphant at nine A.M. It wuz a clear cool mornin' in lovely autumn.

But I gin him such a talkin' to that I brung him to a sense of his sinful talk, and right then while he wuz conscience smut for as much as seven minutes, I brung him round to the idee of buildin' the house. But it wuz a gradual bringin'. Of course he begged and beseeched to build it on Coney Island. Sez he, "I wouldn't begrech the money but spend it lavish, if the house sot there.

There wuz cake enough, and ice-cream, and oysters, and everything. And everybody that knows me knows that I hain't one to begrech havin' one or two more visitors to wait on and provide for than I had planned havin'. Yes, I should have been glad to seen 'em, and wait on 'em. But I didn't seem to care anything about seein' 'em, compared to my feelin's about Christopher Columbus.

It did not look so thick and dark; it began to look more natural and clear. And sez he in the same old way I have heerd him say it so many times, "Dumb it all! What duz she want to write poetry on me for? It is time to go home." And so sayin', he almost tore us from the seen. I gin Ardelia that night 2 yards of lute-string ribbon, a light pink, and didn't begrech it.

But I knowed it wouldn't do any good to keep twittin' him of it. And then he went on to describe more fully the Exposition of Josiah Allen that he'd been plottin' for weeks and weeks. He said that he and uncle Sime had used up two hull pads of writin' paper at a cost of five cents each, plannin' and figurin'. But he didn't begrech the outlay, he said.