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"Oh, Martin," she pressed her lips upon his bandaged head, her eyes were glowing with that "light that never was on land or sea" "Oh, Martin, I've loved you ever since that day you saved my life by throwing me into the bean-patch and then kissed my burnt hand." "Not your hand this time, sweetheart," he whispered, "your lips!"

If there is a more delightful chapter in American literature than that one in Walden on the bean-patch, I don't know which chapter it is. That patch was made to yield more than beans. The very stones were made to tinkle till their music sounded on the sky. "As I see it, beans are beans," said Joel. And so they are, as he sees them.

"I've got your man, uncle," he declared. "What man?" The colonel was grouchy and indifferent. "Your man Farr." "I don't claim him." "But you said you wanted him. You said you wanted to hang him like a dead crow in the political bean-patch." "Merely momentary insanity on my part, Richard.

But the truth is, old Laertes, near three thousand years ago, in his slouch cap and greasy beard, was hoeing up in the same way his purslane and twitch-grass, in his bean-patch on the hills of Ithaca. The difference between us, so far as the crop and the tools go, is, after all, ignominiously small.

It was a strange spot for prairie warblers, as it seemed to me, though they looked still more out of place a minute later, when they left the bean-patch and sat upon a rail fence in an open grassy field. Cape Cod birds, like Cape Cod men, know how to shift their course with the wind.

Meanwhile Pete determined to rest and gain strength, even while he pretended that he was unfit to ride. When he did leave, he would leave in a hurry and before old Flores could play him another trick. For a while Pete watched the three figures puttering about the bean-patch. Presently he got up and stepped into the house, drank some coffee, and came out again.

Unlike the Bruchus pisi, the female of the haricot-weevil refuses to trust her family to beans that are not hardened by age and desiccation; she refused to settle on my bean-patch because the food she required was not to be found there. What does she require? Evidently the mature, dry, hard haricot, which falls to earth with the sound of a small pebble. I hasten to satisfy her.