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It is said that Baroche revenged himself for the rebuff by whispering to an acquaintance near him: "This Monsieur Hugo is madder still than is supposed." Over the coffin, as it was laid under the ground near the ashes of Charles Nodier and Casimir Delavigne, the author of Les Miserables and Les Feuilles d'Automne pronounced an oration which was a generous tribute to the talent of his great rival.

"But this law of the 31st of May, it was Louis Bonaparte who instigated it, it was Rouher who made it, it was Baroche who proposed it, and the Bonapartists who voted it. You are dazzled by a thief who has taken your purse, and who restores it to you!" "Not I," said Auguste, "but the others."

A two-horse hearse and four bearers Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Francis Wey, and Baroche, the Minister for the Interior made up the funeral accessories. But an immense concourse of people followed the body to the grave. The Institute, the University, the various learned societies were all represented by eminent men, and a certain number of foreigners, English, German, and Russian, were present also.

The Societe des Gens de Lettres desires that, the first having been named by me the "Chateaudun" and the second "Les Chatiments", the third shall be called the "Victor Hugo." I have consented. Pierre Veron has sent me Daumier's fine drawing representing the Empire annihilated by Les Chatiments. November 16. Baroche, they say, has died at Caen.

If one sought Conscience, one found Baroche; if one sought Religion, one found Montalembert. Better known afterwards as Persigny. During this terribly historical morning of the 4th of December, a day the master was closely observed by his satellites, Louis Bonaparte had shut himself up, but in doing so he betrayed himself.

With an eye upon that, the questors proposed at the very first session, that the parliament organize a police force of its own, paid for out of the private budget of the National Assembly itself, and wholly independent of the Police Prefects. The Minister of the Interior, Baroche, protested against this trespass on his preserves.

"'She is very well, Sire, I thank Your Majesty, "'And Clémentine? Still the same dear child? "'Always, Sire. But.... "'It seems that M. Baroche is madly in love with her. "'I am very much honored, Sire. But this honor becomes too burdensome. "I had drawn from my pocket that morning's bills and I spread them out under the eyes of the Emperor. "He looked at them with his distant smile.

Phrasemaker for phrasemaker, we prefer the poet to the politician; Victor Hugo to Léon Faucher; Lamartine to Odilon Barrot; Lamennais to Baroche.

He is the first author in whom can clearly be traced the name of the great southern division of India: his term is Dachanabades, Dachan signifying south, and abad a city; and Decan is still the general name of all the country to the south of Baroche, the boundary assigned by the author.

This Baroche had, as Public Prosecutor, stormed before the High Court at Bourges, once against the revolutionists of May 15, another time against the Democrats of June 13, both times on the charge of "attentats" against the National Assembly.